Chapter 182 You’re Not Her

Tracy’s unexpected appearance at the villa startled lan greatly, but the shock factor from that couldn’t compare to what she’d just said.

He angrily shouted, “What nonsense are you talking about?”

Seeing his expression, Tracy felt delighted. She spoke to her son in her arms. “My baby, Daddy is here-”

“Ah, there’s my good son. Weren’t you feeling unwell, Tracy? Why have you come here when you should be resting at home?” Steven walked past lan and took his son from Tracy’s arms.

Tracy’s unannounced arrival cast lan and Cherry into extreme awkwardness. The already complex family dynamics became even more strained with Tracy’s presence. Steven had no idea that Tracy used to be lan’s mistress. Yvette, on the other hand, had no knowledge of lan’s past affair, let alone that Tracy was her husband’s former lover.

lan and Cherry, who knew the truth, had pale faces throughout and hardly spoke.

Within twenty minutes, Cherry excused herself, claiming to have a headache and hoping that Yvette would accompany her to the entrance

of the residential area.

After changing into a pair of flats. Yvette put on a windbreaker and escorted Cherry out.

Steven had gone to the bathroom to change his son’s diaper.

At that moment, only lan and Tracy were left in the living room of the villa. He glanced at the closed bathroom door. Without saying a word. he grabbed Tracy’s hand and went upstairs with her.

lan led Tracy into the study, locked the door, and lowered his voice as he questioned, “Are you intentionally causing trouble?”

She chuckled. “lan, oh my, your face just now turned as pale as paper. Were you panicked when you heard me say that the baby is your


at this point. Before Tracy got married to Steven, he’d visited her several times. Whenever he had needs, he would never spend money on prostitutes. He would go to Tracy without hesitation. He didn’t take any precautions during those times, and Tracy even gave birth naturally ahead of schedule. lan sometimes felt a bit afraid. He was scared that Tracy, knowing she was pregnant

our son was born, he secretly took him for a paternity test. I guess those. worthless

visibly breathed a

away Tracy’s restless hand and said seriously, “You’re already a married woman,

and proper as you lecture me? If Yvette knew that you were once that kind of

expression on her

wrist tightly and warned, “I’m warning you! Don’t speak nonsense in front of Yvette. If you want to continue being Mrs. Lane and live a life of luxury, watch your mouth. It’s best if we don’t interfere in

him for some time, Tracy found that she still liked lan just as


want me? Have you forgotten how obsessed

flashed through lan’s mind. His eyes flickered, and Tracy, who understood him well, immediately knew what he


and can’t satisfy you, but

and caved in. During this period, Yvette consistently turning down his

a lot of pent–up sexual

herself to him for free, why should he

off her mother, Yvette walked back alone. She was five minutes away from reaching the villa. Just as she passed a parked Maybach parked on the roadside, the

seat, her heartbeat accelerated instantly. She’d only seen this man once, but his extraordinarily handsome appearance had made a lasting impression

first, perhaps she would have fallen

Frost, what

raised his gaze to Yvette and said without much emotion, “Congratulations.”

were getting married that day. For some reason,

come over.

come along with me

and I aren’t close

feel somewhat awkward. If it were any other man, she would have turned

His inherent dominance made others

and her sister, Erin. She sighed and said, “Are you thinking about my

I’m going crazy thinking about

Yvette had also heard a lot from her mother, Cherry, about how Chandler had been searching for Erin. To be honest, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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