Chapter 205 Unfair to You

Chandler’s words stirred up ambivalent emotions in Erin’s heart. A voice in her head kept urging her to reveal the truth to him. She wanted to tell him that she was indeed Erin very badly!

But as soon as she thought about her current appearance and the fact that Alana was already pregnant, her heart sank. Even if Alana wasn’t in the picture, could she still resume her relationship with Chandler?

Every time she thought about Chandler returning to Coandria to enter into a fake marriage, it made her blood boil without fail. Not to mention there were also Tessa and Jack, who had almost succeeded in ruining her entire life. Tessa sought revenge because of

Chandler’s rejection and the humiliation she suffered due to his merciless words.

A butterfly effect ensued, borne of Tessa’s immense hatred, and Erin was unfortunately caught up in it, ultimately made to suffer hardships

inconceivable to the average Joe.

Even though she was starting anew now, she couldn’t forget those painful experiences of the past.

This pain continued to weigh on her heart. Her son, Asa, now called another woman “Mom,” while she, his biological mother, could only

watch from a distance. To get closer to her son, she had to start as an art teacher. All of this made Erin feel unhappy.

She wanted to curse fate for being unfair and exceptionally cruel to her!

But no matter how relentlessly and passionately she cursed, it wouldn’t change the past. She was forced to accept the changes in her own life, and she had no other choice but to stay positive and not give up on herself. She was afraid that if she gave up, she would truly

lose Asa, as well as her family and friends who loved her.

my words remind

daze in a panic to look

with uncanny

suddenly felt her mind

apologized shyly, “I’m sorry… That wasn’t intentional. You

his mouth. What happened to him just now? Why was he drawn to her after


sharp. Each session will be one hour long. Your salary will be paid monthly, and it’ll be thirty thousand a month. My secretary will transfer the

demeanor becoming somewhat distant, emitting an air of someone

do we need to sign a

spare her a glance. He had a contract from the company in his hand as he coldly said, “I trust Roman, so we can waive the contract. But if Asa doesn’t like you, you should be prepared to leave at any time.”

she replied, “Okay, I understand. I’ll start coming to the villa tomorrow evening. I’ll bring

and teaching materials.”

now,” Chandler said without looking

Friday. Erin had a faint smile on her lips, as

left, Chandler’s eyes immediately darted to the door that was just closed. This woman reminded him of Erin, and he couldn’t stop himself from thinking of her. This direct impact made him infuriated

between him and Erin in

Everything related to Erin was locked away in a large storage room, including everything from his past office.

the woman he loved the most would easily go out of control once it was unleashed; it rushed forth like a wild beast released from its cage. The surge of

hand angrily swung

moment, the office door opened. Alana and Kyle walked in together,

“Kyle, you can leave. I’ll handle

Kyle gently closed

pick them up, but Chandler frowned and said. “Don’t

nodded and walked over to the sofa, taking a seat. Alana looked at Chandler and said, “I saw Miss Eastwood just now. How did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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