Chapter 206 I Apologize to You

The next morning, Erin woke up with enthusiasm. She went to the kitchen downstairs to prepare breakfast and planned to go to the supermarket to buy her mother’s favorite food.

Roman had already returned to the set to continue filming. He initially wanted to take more days off to accompany Erin to visit Cherry, but Erin politely declined, saying that she felt guilty about keeping him away from his work.

Since she refused, Roman didn’t insist and went back to filming. However, Erin agreed to his request to stay at his house. After all, it was close to Chandler’s villa, and it would be very convenient for her to go over and teach Asa in the future. In the event something happened to Asa, she would be able to rush over and help out.

Half an hour later, Erin set off for the supermarket. She drove Roman’s car, a white BMW 7 Series. It had been seven years since she drove in the city and the many new roads were unfamiliar to her. Although there was a navigation system installed in the car, the heavy traffic on a Friday morning was quite daunting to experience.

What should have been a twenty–minute drive took a full forty minutes instead. Erin finally managed to enter the underground parking lot

of a popular supermarket chain after braving the horrific Friday traffic.

Unexpectedly, there were many cars at the supermarket that day. Erin circled around the first level several times but couldn’t find a parking

space, so she had to drive down to the next level.

When she got to the next level she saw a parking space not far ahead. However, a car behind suddenly overtook her and squeezed her to

the side, skillfully occupying the parking space she’d spotted first.

According to normal social etiquette, the car behind should have given way and let Erin park first, and they should have driven on and found themselves another spot to park. Clearly, the driver who took Erin’s parking space had no manners or etiquette to speak of.

Erin was so mad that she wanted to get out of her car to confront that person. But upon thinking about it for a second longer, she decided against it. The supermarket would open in five minutes. She’d better save time instead of wasting it on a confrontation.

Just as Erin was about to reverse and leave, the driver who had taken her parking spot got out of his car. She instinctively looked at the

uncivilized person and squinted her eyes. Lo and behold, the man driving the impressive black SUV was none other than Simon.

Erin’s expression stiffened. She had only been back for a few days, and such coincidental encounters with people she knew made her feel

baffled. But she was going to Chandler’s villa to teach Asa how to draw later, so everything else paled in comparison. Encountering past

friends or acquaintances didn’t really excite her.

She snapped out of it. No longer looking at Simon, she focused on reversing. Luckily, she saw a car about to leave not far ahead. Erin waited for a minute, and as soon as that car left, she successfully parked her car.

Next, she got out of the car with the Hermes bag that Paulo bought for her. Erin was wearing a casual black dress with a denim jacket on top. On her feet were a pair of black ankle boots. She was dressed that way because the weather had already turned cool as autumn

approached. She then used an elastic band she’d been wearing on her wrist to casually tie her wavy hair into a bun. Wearing sunglasses.

she walked forward.

When Erin reached the closest elevator in that area, she saw Simon still standing in the same vicinity while the elevator was going up. He

seemed to be waiting for someone. After giving him a glance, Erin ignored him and stood by the elevator as if he didn’t exist.

Suddenly, Simon spoke to Erin, who was quietly standing next to him. “I’m sorry for taking your parking space earlier. Here’s a hundred

dollars as compensation for your time.”

Erin glanced at him from the side and then looked at the dollar bill in his hand. Calmly, she asked, “Are you talking to me?”

A faint coldness appeared on Simon’s exquisitely handsome face as he retorted, “Besides you, is there anyone else here?”

Erin turned her head and stopped looking at him. “Money can’t change my impression of you.”

Just then, the elevator arrived, and Erin stepped in first.

Simon no longer insisted and put the money back in his pocket. Under normal circumstances, any ordinary person would let the matter go in exchange for money. Obviously, this woman was not an ordinary person.

A slight smile curled up at the corners of his mouth. How could he forget that the woman had been driving a BMW? Considering that, it

familiar items. His office underwent a complete transformation, as did his villa. Everything related to Erin was locked away in a large storage room, including everything from his past office.

His intense yearning and longing for the woman he loved the most would easily go out of control once it was unleashed; it rushed forth like a wild beast released from its cage. The surge of feelings caused Chandler to tightly close his eyes and clench his fists, desperately restraining his emotions.

trembled slightly as he pressed them against the desk. Finally, his right hand angrily swung

contracts to scatter all over the

Alana and Kyle walked

you can leave. I’ll

Mrs. Frost.” Kyle gently closed the door and

on the floor. She was about to bend down to pick them

them up. I’ll ask Kyle to clean them up

sofa, taking a seat. Alana looked at Chandler and said, “I saw Miss Eastwood just now. How

interview go?”

have her

I like her. I have a feeling that

deep into his own thoughts. After a while, he asked, “Why have you come? Your leg isn’t fully healed

well in the villa.”

to avoid my parents. When they heard about my

be bombarded with questions by

and said earnestly. “Didn’t I tell you? If your parents

that you are, it’s unfair to you- Alana

sighed. “If it weren’t for your foresight and backup plan with Saber back then, you wouldn’t have been lucky enough to conceive his child. If your parents knew that the child you’re carrying is Saber’s, they would definitely try to stop

would find a way to stop me. I’ve already lost Saber; I can’t lose his child as well! The child in my womb is my

plan. Until the child is born. I’ll be the father of the child.” Chandler could only think of

they’d publicly announced their marriage. Even though they didn’t have a legal marriage

accepted their union–especially

you. What if Erin comes

the biggest concern Alana had.

water. He asked in a despaired and sorrowful tone, “Alana, do you think Erin is still alive? It has been seven years. If it weren’t

Apologize to

woke up with enthusiasm. She went to the kitchen downstairs to prepare breakfast and planned to go to the

more days off to accompany Erin to visit Cherry, but Erin politely declined, saying

Roman didn’t insist and went back to filming. However, Erin agreed to his request to stay at his

and it would be very convenient for her to go over and teach Asa in the future. In the event something

be able to rush over

later, Erin set off for the supermarket. She drove Roman’s car, a white BMW 7 Series. It had been

and the many new roads were unfamiliar to her. Although there was a navigation

quite daunting

have been a twenty–minute drive took a full forty minutes

popular supermarket chain after braving the horrific Friday

around the first level several times but couldn’t find a parking space, so

to the next level, she saw a parking space not far ahead. However, a

skillfully occupying the parking space

they should have driven on and found themselves another spot to park. Clearly, the driver who took Erin’s parking space had

of her car to confront that person.

five minutes. She’d better save time

leave, the driver who had taken her parking spot got out of his

person and squinted her eyes. Lo and behold, the man driving the impressive black SUV was

days, and such coincidental encounters with people she knew made her feel baffled. But she was going to

reversing. Luckily, she saw a car about to leave not far ahead. Erin waited for a minute, and as soon as that car left, she

she got out of the car with the Hermès bag that Paulo bought for her. Erin was wearing a casual black dress with a denim jacket on top. On her feet were a pair of black ankle boots. She was dressed that way because the weather had already turned cool as autumn approached. She then used an elastic band she’d been wearing on her wrist

she walked forward.

in that area, she saw Simon still

glance, Erin ignored him

to Erin, who was quietly standing next to him. “I’m sorry for taking your parking space earlier.

compensation for your

glanced at him from the side and then looked at the dollar bill in his hand. Calmly, she asked.

face as he retorted.

him. “Money

arrived, and Erin stepped in first.

and put the money back in his pocket. Under normal circumstances, any ordinary person would let

the corners of his mouth. How could he forget that the woman had been driving a BMW? Considering

or not? If you’re not

lowered his gaze and stepped into the elevator. Erin pressed the button for the third floor. Seeing that she’d already pressed the number of the floor he was headed to, Simon didn’t make a move. As fate would


at him again. She could have chosen not to answer, but she was curious about what he had to say, so

slightly, but he didn’t say anything.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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