Chapter 26

Sebastian’s expression darkened. “Vicky, if nothing is troubling you, you can tell me. Others might be scared of crossing Tyler, but I’m not.”

The Hart family was one of the most powerful families in Stoneford City, but the Mills family was among

those on the list as well.

Feeling moved, Vicky said, “I’ve already decided, but thank you, Mister Mills. I’ve caused you a lot of trouble in the past two days.”

He scowled. “Vicky, we’ve known each other most of our lives, so you don’t have to thank me… Don’t call me

Mister Mills. Just call me Sebastian.”

“Alright, Sebastian.”

He walked over to her bed. “Vicky, you might not remember this, but we grew up as friends. I know that I’m a stranger to you now and you can’t trust me, but…” He looked into her eyes. “I know you. You would’ve never dropped the charges for no reason at all.”

She did not respond.

kept his eyes trained on her. “Vicky, can you tell me what

meant nothing to the people who knew her. After a long moment of silence, she confessed, “I made a trade with Tyler. He’ll help to get

Even if you don’t agree to

Larson. He’s the only son of the Larson family, and they’re

about to let Cece go. It’s not that easy to

to begin with. Tyler had been reluctant to help, not because he hated Vicky and wanted her friends to suffer; he


been worthy of anything

the look on her face and muttered huskily, “Even if it’s not easy,

“I don’t want you and Missus Mills to argue over me

Vicky?” Soon,

shook her head. “I did some research on the

in contact with her, and Vicky instantly realized that there was more to the story. Afterward, it was not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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