Chapter 34

At nine in the evening, Tyler returned with a laptop and some of his belongings.

Vicky was reading at the time and asked, “How is Miss Young?”

“Her bones aren’t fractured or damaged, so she’ll be discharged in a few days‘ time.”

She nodded and returned to her book.

Spotting the book in her hands, he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. “What are you reading?”

“Fashion–related book,” she muttered as she flipped through the pages. “Cece told me that I opened my own studio before the accident, and since I’ll have to get back to work after I’m discharged, I’ll have to familiarize myself with what I’ve done in the past.”

“Do you still remember those things?”

my entire brain. I might not remember the past, but I won’t forget about the skills that

skills they had learned, such as

I…less annoying

had stopped clinging to him, and she refused to divorce him no matter what.

can’t change its stripes,” he said

despite not remembering most of what happened in the past, her temperament

the other vacant bed next

said, “I think I’m

at her words.

“Who said that?”

and said, “Cece said that I’m more cheerful after losing my memories and that she likes me better

his back and turned to look

about you?” he asked.

shock for a moment. “Me?”

yourself this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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