Chapter 824

Tyler emerged from the darkness; his twisting tall shadow was reflected on the wall.

Vicky sensed something was different between the kidnapping this time and the kidnapping last time. Her palms became slicked with cold sweat as she stared at the approaching man with wavering eyes. She could feel a wave of oppression washed over her, and the temperature around her dropped to zero as he approached.

"You...’’ croaked Vicky. It was only then she realized her voice was hoarse.

"Are you surprised?" Tyler condescendingly looked down at her with cold, cold eyes. She had never seen him look at her like that as if she was nothing but a stranger to him. In fact, his eyes were even colder than the first time they met.

Tyler seemed to have changed a lot in a short month. He had lost a lot of weight, but apart from that, Vicky could not quite put her finger on the other changes Tyler had undergone as she had no idea just what kind of torture he had been put through.

Noah called her before she was kidnapped, but their call was cut short by Tyler. She could only vaguely remember Noah saying something along the lines of Tyler escaping from somewhere or something.

Tyler leaned down slightly. He looked at her with none of the usual warmth in his eyes.

easy to get rid of me?" asked

the chill immediately seeped into her pore and traveled down to her heart. They were once lovers, but at this moment, they were nothing but strangers to each

cutting into her, so she quickly lowered her head to avert his eyes. However, he was having none of that. He roughly grabbed her

glint in his eyes. Every pore

die, you die

opened her mouth to say

say something. His eyes became blood-red when he finally realized she was not going

than a hundred and fifty million dollars you've sold me out for?" He squeezed her chin tighter, and

if her

to say something, but the

became colder when she

you have nothing to say to me?!" roared Tyler. Although he was not known to be a gentle person in more normal times, he

her heart and the pain in her body. Then,

liquid falling onto the back of his hand.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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