Chapter 2710: Another Car with the Reclusive Family’ s License Plate Parked Outside the Hotel

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Unexpectedly, a middle-aged man quickly walked over with a few waiters behind him. The group passed without giving her a chance to go forward. They did not even notice her.

The middle-aged man personally opened the car door and carefully took two steps back to greet the person inside. “Elder Xue, what brings you here?”

A silver-haired old man got out of the car. He was not tall like the other Westerners. He was wearing a modified Chinese tunic suit that was neither old nor new and his hair was meticulously combed, making him look inconspicuous.

However, his aura was great.

“I’m here for a meal.” Elder Xue tidied the creases on his clothes and spoke gently and casually, not in the least looking like he was putting on airs.

However, the hotel manager did not dare to be negligent. He quickly asked, “Have you reserved a table? Are you eating with a friend or on your own? I’ll arrange it for you.”


manager, pursed his lips, and casually raised his

arrange anything. I’m having

his back and smiled, his eyes shining brightly. “My friend

did not know who could

he smoothly asked, “Elder Xue’s friend is

reserved a place on

hotel manager was no

also divided

would not be able to book a table on the top

was to speak less and do more. Hence, he tactfully did not ask

valet was not qualified

someone was watching them as they entered the

slightly and

the sky above her head. She did not know who was

with the license plate of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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