Chapter 2711: Do the Reclusive Families Have Any Event Tonight?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In just 15 minutes, Ji Ziyin saw two cars with the license plates of reclusive families parked at the hotel’s entrance. She could not understand what kind of high-level banquet tonight had attracted so many people from reclusive families to gather here and even alarm Elder Xue of the Privy Council…

Just as she was thinking hard, the car of Country Mt s royal family finally arrived.

The extended Lincoln model was expensive. Logically speaking, it should be much more expensive than the previous two cars. However, when Ji Ziyin saw the luxury car, she somehow thought of the two inconspicuous black cars from before and felt that they were on a different level.

The chauffeur opened the door and an imposing man got out. His aura was indescribably noble.

Ji Ziyin composed herself and immediately walked over. “Mr. Joseph.”

“Ah, it’s you.” Joseph’s attitude towards her was not very good, but he was still polite. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”

Ji Ziyin knew that the other party was only willing to come because of the Empress, so she acted like she knew the rules. “You’re too polite. I just arrived not long ago.”

familiar with her, Joseph nodded slightly and did not waste any time. He suggested, “Then let’s

I’ll lead


over Lu Yiming

them. “President Simon of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance is also here. Everyone can get to know each

of Commerce Alliance?” Country Mt s royal family was not considered impressive among the hidden


Ji Ziyin smiled. “Yes.”

“Then we can get


was strictly

the elevator they were waiting for, there was also an elevator that went straight to the top floor. However, very few people used that elevator. Only those who

cafeteria tonight. It was

and happened

late. Everyone had already

saw three back views,



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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