Chapter 25 Doctor Tino shows off

“Mr. Lopez.”

Just as John was about to leave the auction house with Alice, Maxwell suddenly came over.

The leader of the Remar Family showed his respect to John.

He didn’t know that John was the King of Horizon, nor did he know that he was the Master of Clouds, because both of them were carried by Duke of Southern River.

Then why did Maxwell respect him so much?

Finally, it was attributed to the day of the new product launch of the Queenie Group.

At that time, Duke of Southern River found these family leaders and told them that the man behind Queenie Yeats was King of Horizon. He hoped that they could set an example.

They all knew that Duke of Southern River had an elder brother who worked for King of Horizon, so his words were totally credible.

In addition, Duke of Southern River had also sent out orders of five billions, which confirmed their


It was worthy betting on a future with one billion.

On the day of the new product launch, Maxwell was present and knew that John and Queenie were siblings. In other words, it was very likely that John was the brother-in-law of King of Horizon.

Therefore, Maxwell would respect him for sure.

Except Paul, the other family leaders also hold the same thought.

On that day, Paul was facing the anger of John, from which he could feel that he had a momentum that was different from ordinary people.

His momentum was that of a domineering king.

With the attitude of Duke of Southern River and the others, Paul guessed that John was not the brother-in-law of King of Horizon at all, but King of Horizon himself.

As the saying goes, enemies know us better than friends.

or not, it decided on how

face of Maxwell’s initiative to accost, John also replied gently,

that Maxwell must have something to ask

not a cold-blooded person. He only show his

return his respect as long

you give the injection to save that person. Are

and said.

there a

eaten anything for three days, so I want to ask you



He let Alice go back and then

bulged like being stuffed with two basketballs. He kept

families were also

pressed his hand on Stratton’s

illness, but before he started the treatment, a


I’ve brought Doctor Tino here. Let him treat our father, hurry

in looked seven points similar with Maxwell.

old man in his sixties with

York. He was praised as ‘a divine physician who can cure the patient in


make a patient recover with only

heard the news that Doctor Tino was here,

man came at

But this old guy

had no other choice but to find another doctor, but

seemed that seeing the time was

course, Maxwell

Tino pulled a long face and said, “What do you mean? Please don’t invite me

was unhappy to see John treating

already invited a doctor. But seeing Jonh was just a young man, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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