Toph could not contain his hearty laughter, distracting Zephyr, who was concentrating on his work. It did not take long for him to receive a death glare from his father...

Zuko, who was always sharp, immediately lowered his head and diligently planted the flowers, occasionally glancing at his father with a mischievous grin.

Before long, Lina came to help as well.

Night descended quietly, and they had just finished planting the final purple iris. The two brothers released a sigh of relief.

Even now, Toph remained curious, especially keen to discover the birthday gift his father would give to his mother.

Zephyr chuckled triumphantly. He looked at his two sons, then at Lina. "Alright, I'll let you guys have a sneak peek!"

Toph was excited, dancing around. "Really?!"

Zuko was calmer. He tugged at Toph's clothes and whispered, "I already have a pretty good guess about what dad will give."


needs rehearsal," Zuko said calmly. "Otherwise, why would he show it to you beforehand? He's treating us as the audience, asking for our opinions, and checking if there's anything that needs

Toph looked bewildered.

already walked to a nearby spot and started

suddenly appeared in the night sky, with countless lights illuminating a

present day. From their early

became two chubby kids. Now, the chubby kids had grown into handsome young men, with one

utilized the most advanced technology available. Every scene seemed so close as if

was a deep blue night sky, where starlight and lamplight interweaved to

the composed Zuko and could not help but give his older brother a

you really got it

How many points would you give this gift? Is there anything

each put an arm around their father's shoulders and said together, "It's perfect! 100

straightened his

this!" Toph laughed. "Who knows? She might be so touched that your 70-dollar allowance increases to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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