Daniel gently caressed the word on the tombstone, his eyes brimming with tears. Recollections of something Owen had said echoed in his mind.

"Maisie buried the child... Do you want to know where your daughter is buried?"

Tears streamed down his face.

The tombstone, a simple rectangular piece of stone, bore only one word carved on it—Curtisa. "Curtisa." Daniel sobbed, certain it was his daughter. Maisie had given her such a beautiful name. Footsteps approached from behind.

Daniel turned to see Maisie standing there, holding a bouquet of daisies. Their eyes met, both surprised. It was the first time she had witnessed him cry.

'So, the seemingly cold, heartless man is capable of sobbing like a baby,' she thought.

"You're here." Daniel hastily wiped away his tears, his voice hoarse. "I-I was just taking a stroll. If you don't want me here, I'll."

"Stay for a bit," she said. "Be with her. This must be. your first time?"

next to the tombstone, she took out a handkerchief and wiped it. Her fingers trembled as she grazed over the name

by the kindness shown.

there they sat, side by

gentle breeze rustled the leaves, and birds soared above, creating a

Maisie earlier, the family of

he admitted. "It's facing right across the nursery.

did you

of two names. It'd be Curtis if it was a boy

bringing a piece of

casually pointing at Curtisa

names begin with 'cu', showing that they are born in Cumulus


glanced at him, her calm demeanor indicating

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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