After taking a guess, Marcus went on to say, sounding unfazed, “Go to the drawer in the room. There’s a box inside. Bring it over.”

Cordelia did what she was told, finding a carved wooden box in the deepest part of the drawer. The pattern carved on the box was exquisite and gorgeous, while the box had a vague refreshing scent to it.

Marcus took it from her and opened it, only to reveal a few pieces of gold jewelry: a necklace, a pair of earrings, a ring, and a bangle. The bangle was especially unique, as it was made of gold and jade. The jade that was embedded in the gold was radiant in color and cool to the touch.

Cordelia’s eyes widened as she looked at the man in confusion.

“This is…”

“I haven’t given you a decent gift for the wedding,” Marcus said as he picked up piece after piece of jewelry and looked at them nonchalantly.

“Consider these a present from me. Have a look and see if you want anything else?”

Cordelia clenched her hands under the table repeatedly. She felt rather nervous. As she peeked at Marcus’ stoic face, she somehow felt doted on.

beautiful. It was just that…

not help chuckling. “Don’t worry,

instant. How could she suspect her

pushed it toward

has. We’re already married, and you’re the

“Marcus, I—”

more thing.” He interrupted her. “I won’t be going back to visit your family with you

let out an

she replied with a smile. “Go ahead and do what you have to

relieved the girl looked. What an interesting wife he had gotten himself. She wore her feelings on her sleeve, unable to hide even the tiniest secret. It would be strange if she managed to avoid being


if she actually got bullied by the family when she went back today? Then again, what did her being bullied have to do with

thoughts, he shoved some food down his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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