When he saw Marcus just now, something did seem wrong. They beat him up quite often back when they were in prison, but the authoritative and frosty presence when Marcus saw him just now took him by surprise.

He had even gotten married?

Any woman with a sane mind would avoid him like the plague. Who would dare marry him!?

“Keep your guard up when you investigate. Keep it under the radar.” Nicholas lit a cigarette and puffed a long exhale.

“N, his wife seems close with Ms. Quimby. Do you…”

“Find out about his wife too!” Nicholas’ gaze was ferocious. “Ha, I’d like to know who the girl is and what they’re trying to do!”

Cordelia prepared a bath for Marcus when they came back home at night, making him take it while she massaged him from the side of the bathtub.

“You don’t have to.” Marcus smiled softly. “Go to bed. I’ll go after I’m done.”

looked at him, her

expression. The reason he did not want her to massage

slender fingers had magic. Wherever they landed

the tip of her nose. She had some stray hair that got stuck by the side of her face

wanted to pull her into

smirked. He was going to catch

of the gutter. I

and continued

slumped by the bathtub, letting her do whatever she

you only think

men. He only thought about this when

what he thought, he ought to put up a front. “Men think about a lot of things. That’s only a small part

of things?” Cordelia looked at him. “Like

that?” Marcus was on his guard instantly. He had

she has told me that she had a childhood sweetheart, but they separated due to some reason. I thought he died back then, not

narrowed his eyes.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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