Martial Peak

Chapter 333

None of them knew what dangers lay ahead, but behind them, to their left, and to their right, only death awaited them, so they pushed on.

After running more than a dozen kilometers none stop, all of a sudden everyone stopped, and their eyes bulged in shock at the sight before them.

In front of them was a large open space filled to the brim with purple Evil Spirits. These Evil Spirits all floated back and forth, and for some unknown reason they were fighting amongst themselves.

From all directions, more and more purple Evil Spirits flooded into the space and joined the fray. It was a thrilling spectacle to behold.

Even Yang Kai with his numerous fantastical experiences was shocked by this scene, not to mention the disciples from Ghost King Valley and Free And Unfettered Sect.

Although he cultivated the True Yang Secret Art which could restrain these Evil Spirits, but against such a vast quantity he was still helpless. If they really turned and attacked them, Yang Kai reckoned he wouldn’t even be able to resist.

Suddenly, everyone was filled with despair, and many of their eyes overflowed with tears as panic and fear spread across their faces, as they stood there stunned, not knowing what to do next.

Before them was the wolf. Behind them was the tiger. There was no place to go, and they were basically in an absolutely hopeless situation!

“Brother Yang? Brother Yang!” Not far away, a loud voice called out, seemingly recognizing Yang Kai.

When he heard this voice, Yang Kai turned his head and saw Tao Yang, the one he had first met when he entered the Evil Cavern, hollering and waving towards him.

He was on a naturally formed plateau that stood atop one of the large pillars that could occasionally be seen inside the Evil Cavern. It had a flat surface that seemed to be about twenty or so meters off the ground.

To Tao Yang’s side were his two Junior Brothers and his Junior Sister, gathered together looking scared.

In addition, not far away there was another such high platform.

“Over there!” Yang Kai shouted, leading Leng Shan and the others toward the pillar, Yu Qing and others suddenly seeing hope for survival also scrambled to keep up.

In this life or death crisis, Yang Kai also no longer concealed his strength, and he charged through the swarm of purple Evil Spirits, sending a number of them flying with full powered strikes infused with his True Yang Yuan Qi.

Fiercely rampaging through this horde of Evil Spirits, he finally managed to cut a path through their encirclement and jumped up onto the high platform that Tao Yang stood upon along with the disciples from Ghost King Valley.

This plateau’s area wasn’t overly large, so with the four people in Tao Yang’s group and the seven or eight Ghost King Valley disciples, although it wasn’t crowded, but it also couldn’t accommodate the entire group from Free And Unfettered Sect.

On top of the plateau, Yang Kai turned around and glared coldly at Yu Qing’s group.

Fortunately, they also had some self-awareness, knowing that now was not the time to fight amongst themselves.

Immediately, the Free And Unfettered Sect group turned, summoned their respective artifacts, and quickly made their way to the other pillar a short distance away.

glows in the dark cave, apparently a mix of fire and lightning attribute offensive artifacts. Only these kinds

like crazed beasts, yet atop these pillars it was extremely peaceful, seemingly like a separate world from the chaos below. This whole situation puzzled everyone greatly, and all of them

meet again.” Tao Yang looked at

him, gratefully cupping his fists,


did Brother Tao end

laughed helplessly. He and his Junior Brothers and Junior Sister had followed behind Yang Kai for quite a while, yet the result was that

lead his group in a different direction, no longer following Yang Kai’s trail. As they explored, they had unwittingly entered the

Spirits suddenly appeared and chased after them. In a panic, they escaped in the opposite direction and eventually wound up here, taking refuge atop this high

Looking around, he discovered that about a kilometer

clearly, but in the dim depths of this cavern, obstructed by various obstacles, all

Unfettered Sect are chasing,” Leng Shan said, glancing towards them as she


had entered the Evil Cavern, yet

old acquaintances. I didn’t expect to meet

Yang laughed heartily, “Looks like Brother Yang has friends and relatives all over the world, even in this forsaken place you can

Chen Yi exclaimed loudly, Leng Shan’s beautiful cold eyes also flashed with surprise as she looked towards Tao Yang, apparently

is a disciple from the famed Treasure Instrument Sect, this one is called Chen Yi, we are

Brother Chen!” Tao Yang laughed happily, not changing his expression in the slightest because the opposite party was

was also surprised, not expecting that Tao Yang was actually from the famous

Treasure Instrument Sect …

small, yet very special

most third-class Sects,

whereas Treasure Instrument Sect was the highest authority when

a few Mysterious Grade Top-Rank artifact refiners in this

had its own unique artifact refining style, making their products easily recognizable, so although the Sect wasn’t

year, Treasure Instrument Sect would

and were sought after by great families and large Sects

some small families and Sects did not necessarily have artifacts on par with those possessed by an ordinary Treasure

one Treasure Instrument Sect

Yang say he was from Treasure Instrument

Sect disciple showed that he was serious about befriending

to conceal his origins, cupping his fists in

everyone sucked in a breath as they stared

head slowly, knowing what effect

Cheng Ying murmured, his eyes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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