Martial Peak

Chapter 335

The sisters had travelled for many days through the Ash-Gray Cloud Evil Land and never had a moment of rest as they were pursued by the disciples of Free And Unfettered Sect. If not for their enhanced True Qi recovery speed, they likely would have been caught long ago.

Upon entering the Evil Cavern, the pair had to also deal with Evil Spirits, which further exhausted them, so now their True Qi really was completely depleted.

“If we wait for you to restore your True Qi it’ll be at least half a day.” Yang Kai smiled wryly.

“There’s no way I’ll agree to come with you without at least recovering our True Qi.” Hu Jiao Er said firmly, and her small red lips pouted in an adorable way.

“I have a solution then.” Yang Kai grinned meaningfully and extracted a drop of Myriad Drug Liquid directly from the Black Book space, then he stretched his finger out towards Hu Jiao Er, “Open your mouth!”

Almost instantly, Hu Jiao Er obediently opened her cherry red lips.

This casual reaction showed that despite her harsh words, she wasn’t actually too alert around Yang Kai.

Putting his finger into her mouth, Hu Jiao Er reacted with surprise and suddenly realized what was happening. Her round almond coloured eyes immediately bulged as she blushed bright red with a mix of anger and embarrassment on her face; however, Yang Kai quickly cut off her stray thoughts, “Hurry up and absorb it.”

Hu Jiao Er frowned lightly but still followed his instructions, and a sweet and refreshing taste spread across her tongue. As she swallowed this sweet liquid, a surge of warm energy burst forth and spread from the centre of her chest to the tips of her fingers in a flash, and her dried up True Qi recovered at a phenomenal rate.

Her expression changed rapidly. Unable to hide her surprise, she looked at Yang Kai suspiciously but upon finding not the slightest indecent light in his eyes, she put down her final worries.

Hu Jiao Er understood that whatever Yang Kai had given her was undoubtedly a very precious elixir, so she definitely couldn’t afford to waste it just because she was shy. She quickly curled her tongue and lightly sucked on Yang Kai’s finger.

After a few gentle licks, her pair of beautiful eyes quickly became watery as her whole face took on a light pink flush.

Yang Kai couldn’t hold back an awkward laugh as he slowly pulled his finger out, which brought a silk crystal thread with it.

“Enn… delicious…” Hu Jiao Er suddenly muttered and an ambiguous moan leaked from her lips.

Yang Kai felt the hair on his nape stand up, and he did his best to hide his own embarrassment to her intense reaction, but his mind relived the moment Hu Jiao Er’s soft little tongue wrapped around his finger over and over again in his head.

Quickly steadying himself, he dried his finger on his clothes and then once again brought out a drop of Myriad Drug Liquid for Hu Mei Er. “Your turn.”

Hu Mei Er, however, couldn’t help but shake her head and blush bright red, as she stuttered in a nearly inaudible voice, “I… I’m still… not prepared…”

[This little…]

At a time like this she was actually still thinking such random thoughts!

“Mei Er, he’s giving us something to complement our True Qi, it’s not what you think.” Hu Jiao Er hurriedly sat cross-legged and began refining this drop of liquid. The two of them were practically identical, so how could she not know what her younger sister was thinking?

quickly accept it.” Hu Jiao Er

She opened her cute tiny lips and wrapped them around his finger. Compared to her elder sister, she was significantly shyer, unable to

Kai lightly coughed and boldly turned

The charming twin flowers nodded and quickly ran their Secret Art to restore their

Tao Yang and the others kept

hasn’t he come back yet?” Chen Yi frowned somewhat

Tao Yang simply chuckled, “It looks like Brother Yang is having a detailed conversation with them. On top of that, those two girls don’t seem to be wary of him at

see their faces, it was still

pair of beautiful twins were only standing about a meter or so

like Brother Yang’s charm isn’t small

Shan snorted

loss at Yang Kai’s hand, but they

she and Zi Mo had done their best to torment Yang Kai, making him experience a life like death, but in the end, not only was

didn’t have a strong charm, how could he have

look up to see

Yang was

Yang thought about it, he was certain that he wouldn’t have been capable of

stone pillar, Yu Qing’s pupils shrank and instantly stared at the charming twin flowers. His eyes flashed an obscene light, and the edges of his mouth curled into a cold

three of them reached the halfway point, an

some unknown reason a dragon-like projection of Demonic Qi burst up from the ground and engulfed the space around Yang Kai and the two

Chen Yi couldn’t help but call out in

the darkness as Yang Kai’s whole body suddenly radiated like

Q burst forth, it created a resplendent three meter wide

Er and Hu Mei Er relaxed, and the chill they felt upon their skin quickly receded as they withdrew


crackling, hissing noise rang out, like salt being thrown into boiling oil, but it

too good!” Cheng Ying praised unceasingly, and his eyes stared in shock at the scene taking place

Yuan Qi is so effective against this Evil Qi!” Tao Yang gazed towards Yang Kai with

how serious the consequences of doing so would be, but Yang Kai’s True

move around inside that mass of darkness, so

to rely

even blunter and directly hugged them both as he pushed his True Yang Yuan Qi in order to return even a moment

Er quickly broke free from his embrace and glared at him bitterly, while muttering under her breath,

but knew better than to answer

a strong, beautiful, and

secretly compared herself with these two, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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