Martial Peak

Chapter 570

Chapter 570, What is the situation?

Yang Kai’s mansion was crowded, filling with hustle and bustle.

Everyone in the mansion was densely packed into this crowd. Even the Immortal Ascension Masters were here instead of cultivating. Instead, they were here like everyone else, looking forward with an expectant look.

It had been more than a month since the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil land had invaded, everyone here was frightened and desperate. Yang Kai wanted to lead them out of the area but was blocked Ye Xin Rou’s group and The Seal Temple, forcing them to stay.

Everyone was going to die soon until Meng Wu Ya brought out the Heavenly Palace, which protected everyone and let them feel a sense of relief.

However, their future was still uncertain. Although the world was big, there was nowhere except Yang Kai’s mansion that is a hundred percent safe for them.

But today, more than a month later, these cultivators were all excited, with smiles on the face, each one was filled with energy, full of hope for their future prospects. They were no longer dejected like they were a month before.

In the front of these people, there were two huge pools with unknown liquids filled them. These ponds had all kinds of treasured herds floating through it, which fused the air with an overpowering fragrance. It was so strong that Yang Kai’s Mansion completely with its fragrance. Having taken a whiff of this fragrance would anyone’s body float into the clouds and relax in comfort.

At the moment inside the two pools was full of people, who seem to be meditating.

The magical powers of the pool are used to wash away the impurities in these cultivators bodies.

Underneath the pool, there were faint traces of a spirit array. At the moment, these Spirit Arrays were emitting a faint glow. With the Spirit Arrays at work, the potency of the pool water was continuously catalyzed and absorbed by the cultivators.

From time to time, one of the cultivators achieved a breakthrough and successfully achieve the next minor realm.

When that happened, the people who broke through would be excited, and the crowds would loudly cheer in delight.

It seemed because of all the breakthroughs that the Spiritual Energy of the entire War City was becoming chaotic.

“The pool made by that Young Lady Xia from High Heaven Pavilion is rumored to have a greater effect than the Yang Family’s Dragon Transformation Pond. It really has the effect of cleansing the body. No matter how bad your aptitude is, as long as you soak for a few days, it gets rid of all impurities, so that your potential will skyrocket.” a skinny young man said excitedly to the person next to him, with his fists clenched, expressing his excitement.

“It’s not rumored to be, but it really is better.” The person next to the skinny man continued. “You see the scene of so many people breaking through together? I thought that the mysterious pills gifted by the Young Lord had transformed our aptitude well enough, but I didn’t expect that we could go even further.”

“The Yang Family Dragon Transformation Pond is a magical place. I heard that in Yang Family, only those who have high aptitude and have made huge contributions to the family are eligible to enter it and gain some benefits from it. Just because one can obtain these small benefits, the Yang Family made it a ‘holy land’, and even compete with each other for it. But if you think about it, and compare the rumored benefits to the Pond we are in right now, ours is way better.” A third person excitedly chimed in, to which the first person remarked: “I heard that the Young Lord once wanted to enter the Dragon Transformation Pond when he was young but got rejected by the Yang Family to no end. In my opinion, those Yang Family were all blind. With the blinding talent and power that the Young Lord have, how could they reject him?”

“Don’t speak badly of the Yang Family’s business. The Yang Family was unfair to Little Lord but the Little Lord is still a part of the Yang Family. We should not criticize them for being short-sighted.”

“Yes, you’re right.”

directly from the True Element Boundary Seventh Stage to the peak of True Element Boundary and is now attempting to break into the Immortal Ascension Boundary. We

next batch is our Soaring Feather Pavilion. I really look forward to it. Those Tian Yuan City’s idiots, not only are they dead, but they also lost such a

Sheng of Tian Yuan City led their people and left Yang Kai’s group and came under Ye Xin Rou, which made Yang

Poison King, the people of

filled with looks of expectation as all

did not refine the

Eye was more like the eyes of a

compatible with it, but for the time being Yang Kai didn’t

of medicine in the house, Yang Kai

noticed the anomalies throughout

Kai thought that something went wrong and hurriedly asked the

called to Yang Kai from a high platform not far from the

platform. He turned and looked

to the pools filled with herbs and people, Yang Kai took a closer look and found that the

the high platform, the leaders of the younger generation all

Yang Kai did not understand what

the Blood Battle Gang, they were apparently

that set this up. All I know is that this is remarkable.” Qiu Yi Meng smiled and pushed

happened?” Yang Kai gazed at the veiled Xia Ning

“Didn’t you give me a lot of Myriad Drug Liquid? Alchemy doesn’t use that much, and there hasn’t been much alchemy

help people cleanse their body, but the pools are taking effect much faster than just

the pill.”

the pill?”

efficacy of these materials to start the effect in

on Alchemy, but Little Senior Sister had gone beyond this level. She can now refine

she refine that filthy Yang

powerful and excellent aptitude is

quietly asked, “There won’t be any

Chang shook her head. “But even if you do this, although it works quickly, and can help people can break through

Kai nodded gently. To give

expect that Xia Ning Chang could do such a thing with the Myriad

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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