Martial Peak

Chapter 571

“So long?” Yang Kai’s brow furrowed slightly before immediately smiling, “If Senior Li is concerned about the various Hallowed Treasures, there’s no need to worry, since I have given my word, once the current danger has been resolved, I will definitely return them.”

Yang Kai held no malicious intent towards Li Yuan Chun.

Perhaps when he and the Endless Sea Islands envoys had just arrived, Yang Kai had been a little annoyed with them, but as the situation evolved, he had made up his mind to ride out the storm together with them.

Most importantly, the Endless Sea Islands group wasn’t weak, consisting of more than fifty Immortal Ascension Boundary experts and an Above Immortal Ascension Boundary master. They were a powerful boost.

How could Yang Kai easily let them go? Facing the current life or death crisis, such a powerful ally would greatly improve his chances of survival. Even if all of them had only been True Element Boundary cultivators, Yang Kai wouldn’t have let them go.

Therefore, even if his practice of forcing them to remain by holding their Hallowed Treasures hostage was somewhat underhanded, Yang Kai didn’t hesitate to do so.

Both times Li Yuan Chun had previously spoken with Yang Kai, it had been about this issue. Therefore, when Li Yuan Chun took the initiative to speak to him, Yang Kai naturally thought he wanted to discuss the return of the Hallowed Treasures and quickly expressed his attitude.

However, to his surprise, Li Yuan Chun instead smiled and waved, “This old master isn’t here to discuss my Sects’ Hallowed Treasures.”

“Oh? What advice does Senior have?” Yang Kai raised his eyebrow and asked curiously.

Li Yuan Chun laughed awkwardly, hesitating for a moment before gritting his teeth and continuing, “I was wondering if Young Master Yang would be willing to let my Endless Sea Islands’ people also use this medicinal bath?”

The efficacy of Xia Ning Chang’s mysterious medicinal bath was simply too astonishing. The True Element Boundary cultivators who had entered it, within a few days, would without exception have their cultivations rise by at least one minor realm. Some of them even breaking through up to three minor realms! Almost every day someone would achieve a breakthrough inside this bath.

Such a grand matter happening within the mansion had obviously not gone unnoticed by the Endless Sea Islands group, causing many of their eyes to glow red with envy

All of them had expressed a desire to enter this medicinal bath and cleanse their bodies.

Unfortunately, for the past month, Yang Kai had been in retreat, but sensing him emerge today, Li Yuan Chun had hurriedly come to speak with him.

After making this request, Li Yuan Chun stared at Yang Kai quietly as his heartbeat raced; wondering if this Young Master Yang would refuse. After all, the people from the Endless Sea Islands weren’t his friends or allies, they were barely even acquaintances, and they had only come seeking him in order to ask him to return their lost property.

If Yang Kai refused, it would only be natural.

But surprisingly, Yang Kai just turned to Xia Ning Chang and asked, “Does soaking in this medicinal bath have any benefit for Immortal Ascension Boundary masters?”

“En,” Little Senior Sister nodded lightly before glancing over at Li Yuan Chun, smiling somewhat helplessly, “But it’s useless for those at the Above Immortal Ascension Boundary.”

“This old master doesn’t matter,” Li Yuan Chun quickly said, “I don’t need to go in.”

materials? Is there enough?”

Ning Chang pondered for a

three days, resulting in a large consumption of resources. Three days was also the amount of time it

time the herbs were replaced, a new batch of cultivators

enough then arrange for our Endless Sea Islands guests to have a

over at Li Yuan Chun with a smile a moment later, “Senior Li, the Endless Sea Islands cultivators will be scheduled after all the

not having expected Yang Kai to so readily agree to this request, quickly saying, “Many thanks for your generosity,

be so polite,” Yang Kai said with a friendly smile, “From now on, all of us are

twitched slightly, silently thinking to himself that it would be quite embarrassing when the time came to ask

didn’t matter anymore. Since Yang Kai had already declared he would return their Hallowed Treasures, it was only a matter of time before

had been in secluded cultivation, it seemed as if a cultivation frenzy had erupted within the mansion. Without having to worry about their immediate safety, everyone naturally wanted to improve their ability to

medicinal bath to improve their physiques, Yang Kai nine

serving Yang Wei and Yang Zhao

the situation in the house over the past month, Yang Kai

not been disheartened by the invasion of the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land and were instead even more

matters, Yang Kai left and went

the trio of Ling Tai

and exchange their unique sentiments regarding the Heavenly Way. Ling Tai Xu was a listener for the most part and had gained a great deal from the other two,

was lively as

passionately arguing about one topic or another while Ling Tai Xu sat to the

such sentiments was fully portrayed by Meng Wu Ya and Old Demon. Despite the two of them both being incredible masters, they had achieved their strength

despite the paths they traveled being very different and their comprehension of the Heavenly Way essentially being

to be quite enthusiastic,” Yang Kai smiled and sat down in

Wu Ya and Old Demon stopped their quarrel and the three old men all glanced over at Yang Kai suspiciously for a moment,

Stage after only ten days and now, after slightly more than a month, breaking through once more to the

experienced Meng Wu Ya couldn’t help feeling shocked by Yang Kai’s blistering

Old Demon with amazement, smiling happily, “Old Demon, have you broken through to the Above Immortal Ascension

nodded, “With the precious gift Young Master

Meng Wu Ya had also said that Old Demon had the foundation and insight into the mysteries of the Above Immortal Ascension Boundary and only because his original body had been destroyed had his strength dropped to the Peak Immortal

of the Myriad Drug Cream, it really had been a simple matter for him to reach

time?” Meng Wu Ya looked at

“Treasurer Meng, I remember more than a month ago you said that Demon

Ya nodded, his expression also becoming somewhat

if you release your seal, are you not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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