Martial Peak

Chapter 572

“What about the three of you?” Yang Kai asked curiously.

“Us?” Meng Wu Ya smiled and pointed to Old Demon, “Because he only recently broke through, this old devil is just an ordinary First Order Transcendent, but since he has previously experienced this realm, coupled with his foundation and experience, he is quite a bit stronger than average. Also, in the future, he won’t experience any bottlenecks when trying to break through.”

“Seems your future is bright.” Yang Kai smiled towards Old Demon, the latter shaking his head slightly as he grinned proudly.

“Brother Ling, a month ago, was the same as Li Yuan Chun, also at the peak of the First Order, but now… he has already broken through to the Second Order.”

Yang Kai was quite pleased to hear this and cupped his fists towards Ling Tai Xu happily, “Congratulations, Grand Master.”

No wonder he felt like his Grand Master was somewhat different from the last time he had seen him, it turns out his cultivation had risen significantly this past month.

“As for this old master…” Meng Wu Ya hesitated for a moment, “After breaking through this seal, my limit will probably be a Second Order Transcendent.”

Meng Wu Ya’s voice contained neither arrogance nor pride, speaking in a flat tone seemingly with a hint of dissatisfaction at the strength he would be able to display after breaking his seal.

Yang Kai’s expression couldn’t help cramping slightly as a result. If Meng Wu Ya wasn’t satisfied with being a Second Order Transcendent, just how much higher was his vision?

“What about the six Evil Kings and Demon Lord Yang Bai?” Yang Kai’s expression became dignified.

“Besides that woman, those Evil Kings area all Second Order Transcendents. The Tyrannical Force King and Lightning Flash Shadow King are even comparable to this old master after my seal is released. That woman is slightly worse than them, only a First Order Transcendent. After all, she is still quite young, but achieving such cultivation at her age is already quite shocking.”

“Shan Qing Luo has a special constitution; she seems to have inherited much of her cultivation from her mother.” Yang Kai supplemented.

“No wonder,” Meng Wu Ya suddenly understood. It seems he had been quite concerned about Shan Qing Luo, wondering how she had reached the Transcendent Realm at her age.

“As for Demon Lord Yang Bai… You should be able to guess.”

“Third Order Transcendent?” Yang Kai asked.

“Indeed!” Meng Wu Ya’s nodded, his expression solemn, “In this world he is the only Third Order Transcendent! None of your Central Capital Eight Great Families have such a character!”

Ling Tai Xu sighed, “You should understand now why we could easily defeat those eight old men that night, and why more than a month ago those seven died at the hands of only three Great Evil Kings, right?”

“I understand.” Yang Kai nodded.

Before hearing about how the Transcendent Realm was divided, it was quite difficult for Yang Kai to accept how the seven Grand Elders were killed by the three Evil Kings in just half cup of tea’s worth of time.

But now that he understood the hierarchy of this realm, Yang Kai also realized just how much of a gap in strength there was between the two parties.

Order Transcendent Evil Kings and a Seventh-Order Monster

understanding of the ‘Above Immortal Ascension Boundary’,

had seen through everything

have such a character. In terms of pure numbers, your Eight Great Families have an absolute advantage when it comes to Transcendent Realm masters, but the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land has Yang Bai… and his existence is a huge


shook his head, “Given the current

Yang Kai sighed softly.

I was worried that you would become depressed when you realized how low your real

Yang Kai suddenly grinned, “I am not depressed. Instead, I finally feel like my goal has

in amazement, each of them wearing a satisfied smile a

was to simply reach the Above Immortal Ascension Boundary, but after listening to Meng

striving diligently towards this goal. Perhaps it would be five years later,

and immediately went to find Su Yan, who sat upon the ice crystal bed and began cultivating

they cultivate together haha. I wonder how long it will

mansion proceeded in a calm

later, all the various forces’ cultivators had cleansed their bodies in Xia Ning Chang’s medicinal bath, and even the fifty or so Immortal Ascension Boundary masters

them began thinking it would be best if they could stay here longer. Originally, this group of Endless Sea Islands envoys

staying here for two months and receiving various astonishing advantages, many

finally emerged from their secluded cultivation

of the Myriad Drug Cream, after this three month retreat they

of atmospheric phenomenon. This Heavenly vision lasted for half a month as each

and the cultivators from

Endless Sea Islands, only Supreme Solitary Sect had multiple Transcendent Realm masters, and even then there

of nine such powerhouses. For

broken through in such a short period of time; but if this was not a coincidence, the implications were deeply

masters to reach the Above

Young Master Yang would one day be able to

the only option was to be on good terms. Offending

Feng and the other Blood Warriors

Although they had all been working towards the goal of the Transcendent Realm, none of them had absolute confidence

Warrior who had reached the Transcendent Realm and obtained the position of Yang Family Grand Elder was

Deputy Hall Master Zhou Feng had both reached the Peak Immortal Ascension Boundary for many years, but their bottlenecks had

Sheng and Zhou Feng, receiving the optimistic expectations of the Yang Family that they would one day reach the Above

nine of them had actually broken

suddenly wonder

Blood Warriors were summoned by Meng Wu Ya. From Meng Wu Ya, they received a huge amount

kind of information was not something even

of them reaped a great harvest during these lectures,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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