Martial Peak

Chapter 833

Chapter 833, Strange Change

One day, as he was refining a Saint Pill, Yang Kai suddenly frowned.

He had inadvertently noticed that the Yang Liquid he had stored in his own dantian was almost exhausted. The last time he re-supplied himself with Yang Liquid, Yang Kai had thought it would be sufficient to last him for a least a decade or so, but now he discovered that his estimations were wrong.

Every time he tore space it required a few drops of Yang Liquid, Yang Kai had apparently used too much in order to become familiar with this method.

It was time to supplement it.

Fortunately, Yang Kai had some sixty or seventy Divine Tree fruits in his Black Book space, each of which contained an amazing amount of Yang Attribute Energy. If he consumed all of them, he could fill his dantian again.

The Divine Tree was now residing in his Black Book space as well, and although cultivating these fruits was a long and difficult process, simply storing them away and not eating them would be a waste, so Yang Kai didn’t hesitate.

Taking out a fruit, Yang Kai began taking big bites of it.

The sound of Yang Kai snacking woke Sun Yu from his meditation, causing him to glance over, his eyes lighting up in the next instant.

Sun Yu was now an Immortal Ascension cultivator so he could naturally see just how extraordinary the Divine Tree fruit was; the seemingly overflowing Yang Attribute Energy it contained was particularly appealing to him.

However, Sun Yu also didn’t dare reveal any kind of covetous attitude in front of Yang Kai.

While preparing to close his eyes and continue his meditate, Yang Kai suddenly smiled towards him and tossed him a small piece of the fruit, “It’s not that I’m trying to be stingy, but you can’t eat too much of this thing.”

Sun Yu’s face blushed as he bashfully accepted the small piece of fruit before popping it into his mouth.

A moment later though, Sun Yu’s True Qi violently rioted and his skin became bright red, all his pores opening wide as they sprayed out excess heat and energy, making it seem like he was on the verge of exploding.

Yang Kai paid the boy no mind and simply allowed him to handle this crisis on his own.

Sun Yu didn’t dare neglect and immediately began circulating his Secret Art as quickly as he could in order to absorb the massive amount of energy now rampaging through his body.

Only after a long while did the violent aura gradually calm down. At this moment, Sun Yu was bursting with life and his aura was also noticeably stronger, even his complexion looked more radiant.

“Want some more?” Yang Kai asked.

Sun Yu quickly shook his head.

The small piece of pulp he had just eaten had nearly caused his dantian and meridians to rupture. Seeing Yang Kai eat them one after another like ordinary snacks without so much as blinking made him realizes just how huge the gap between them was once again.

Although this fruit was definitely a good thing, Sun Yu had enough self-knowledge and naturally didn’t dare ask for more.

all sixty or seventy fruits in short order, causing the number of drops of Yang Liquid in

Yang Kai’s brow suddenly wrinkled and he

front of

changes happening over there,” The Divine

a long time since Yang Kai had acquired the Divine Tree and its consciousness had greatly matured since then. Now,


me,” A wisp of golden light suddenly emerged from the Divine Tree and flew off in a certain direction, leading

after it, Yang Kai soon came to a certain spot in the Black Book space and looking around, his brow wrinkled and a look of

Divine Tree sent him another message as the


some precious ores he had been keeping were now

of rare minerals he had

large number of precious ores and stored them here. Later, he had also piled up the ores he had taken from Nine

the essence

glancing over at the Divine Tree

had accidentally discovered a similar occurrence. At the time, he had thought it was the

clear this wasn’t the doing of the Divine Tree because it didn’t seem like it was lying

asked after being unable to glean any clues from the

only felt something

if you find something,


be something consuming them. But since the Divine Tree didn’t do

had a fishbone stuck in

the Divine Tree, Yang Kai left the Black Book space and continued

before Yang Kai once again felt the call of the Divine

Soul Avatar into the Black Book space and asked, “Did you discover

pile of ores lay before it pointed, “It’s them, I felt them slowly absorbing

Kai gawked for a moment

Yang Kai had just haphazardly piled the ore he had collected over the years here, he still recognized the two stones

these two stones were quite special

was the two

Insects. At that time, Yang Kai was on his way to Soaring Heaven Sect for the first time and had taken a detour to explore this ancient cave mansion with Cang Yan and Fei Yu. His Martial Uncle and Martial Aunt had brought back a few treasure from the depths of the cave, one of which was this pitch-black round stone which had finally been collected by

had been forced to participate in an Alchemy contest by Du Wan and Mi Na, ultimately winning first prize as well as the right to pick two treasures from Du

caught Yang Kai’s attention and he had spent some time carefully examining them, unfortunately he had never learned anything useful about

the culprit for this strange occurrence in the Black Book space

essence of other rare ores? Yang Kai thought about it for

two stones with his Divine Sense again

of a human body, had appeared on the surface of the two

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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