Martial Peak

Chapter 834

Chapter 834, Haven’t Waited in Vain

Dragon Valley stretched and twisted like a real dragon laying on the ground. It was covered in a fog all year round and even the strongest of masters couldn’t see into its depths.

Initially, around Dragon Valley, many Dragon Phoenix Palace masters had hidden themselves and were constantly on guard, but as time passed, these masters had left one by one.

Now, only Palace Master Chen Zhou remained at the mouth of the valley.

At this moment, Chen Zhou stared towards the misty mountain valley with a worried look and sighed.

Two years ago, when the disciple named Sun Yu had managed to trigger the long dormant Dragon Valley’s barrier and summoned for the vision of the Golden Dragon head, all of Dragon Phoenix Palace celebrated.

The attention of all the top leaders of Dragon Phoenix Palace was constantly focused here, thinking that the Sect would soon enter into a new prosperous age and would one day stand at the summit of Tong Xuan Realm alongside its most powerful forces.

But after two years had passed, there was still no movement from inside the valley. Although everyone could detect the powerful energy fluctuations coming from within, the disciple name Sun Yu had never returned.

Gradually, people became disheartened, though none dared say so in front of Palace Master Chen. But in private, everyone had come to the conclusion that the disciple name Sun Yu had likely met with disaster.

He was only a boy at the True Element Boundary Seventh Stage. After not having appeared for so long, it was almost certain he had starved to death in the Dragon Valley.

Gazing at the golden light ocean, Chen Zhou sighed once more.

“Palace Master…” Chen Zhou’s companion, Yu Ting Yi, who was one of the few who still remained here, couldn’t help sighing and offering words of comfort, “The disciple who opened the barrier has obtained great fortune, he is surely alright.”

Chen Zhou did not respond, his expression simply becoming gloomier.

Yu Ting Yi reluctantly sighed again before turning to look at a nearby old man.

Besides Chen Zhou, the only other who had insisted on waiting here for the entire two year time was this old man.

It was Elder Ling Jian, Sun Yu’s master.

Elder Ling did not possess great strength or aptitude, his title as Elder more a formality due to his age than an indication of his status in Dragon Phoenix Palace. Before, he had no real power and was all but ignored by most.

Two years ago, when Sun Yu had suddenly opened the formation, Ling Jian’s status suddenly soared and almost every Elder who saw him would politely greet him, allowing him to enjoy almost unparalleled freedom and respect inside Dragon Phoenix Palace.

But now, no one treated him that way anymore.

Chen Zhou and Ling Jian stood next to each other as they stared into the mountain valley’s depths, sighing continuously as looks of sorrow filled their faces.

A figure quickly approached, and Elder Xiao Ling of Dragon Phoenix Palace soon appeared and quickly observed Chen Zhou’s expression before glancing over at Yu Ting Yi.

latter slowly shook her head, her beautiful eyes

change had likely appeared in Dragon Valley. Shaking off these distracting

discussion , just inform me of the result,” Chen Zhou Yi Xing

but this matter must be decided by you personally, otherwise I

frowned slightly, a look of annoyance appearing on his

“You should go, you have not asked about any of the Sect’s affairs for the past

here for the Dragon Emperor to return!” Chen Zhou firmly declared, interrupting Yu Ting Yi before she could

wore a forced

think there is no hope left? Ignorance! The Dragon Emperor will return, we just

smiled and spoke, “If you say it will be so, it will be, but that also means there’s no need for you to be so anxious. The Elders are waiting for you, the sooner you take

wife for a moment before nodding lightly, “Then I’ll ask this of you, be sure you keep a close eye on

Ting Yi nodded gently, feeling

last long look towards the depths of the valley before turning around and

two whole years, suddenly pulsed, sending out a powerful energy fluctuation that blew away all the lingering mist, revealing

anyone standing at its mouth could see straight into

to a halt and he began trembling with excitement, not daring to even breathe as he stared

also suddenly became excited as his old pair


help stopping in place as he stared suspiciously towards the depths of the valley, his mood also

of the Sect’s affairs and had stubbornly remained at Dragon Valley’s mouth for the past two years, many of them even feeling that the disciple name

a member of Dragon Phoenix


Dragon had finally finished swallowing up all the ambient energy and its whole body was now emitting a dazzling light. It was as if it had become a true dragon and carried with

Dragon’s eyes. In that instant, Sun Yu felt a sharp pain in his head and collapsed

met eyes with the Golden Dragon, Sun Yu felt as if his Soul was being forcibly drawn out of his

appeared in front of him and shielded him from the Golden Dragon’s view, allowing Sun Yu to quickly close his eyes and

dragon’s roar rang out as the Golden Dragon soared

to explode as a burst of light so bright erupted that everyone

it soared through the sky. After a

let out a shout as the Golden Dragon sunk into

Dragon also brought with it a phenomenal amount of

clothes were blasted

Kai quickly condensed several Grand Heavenly Shields around Sun Yu while summoning his Silver Leaf Saint

before rapidly expanding and

Yang Kai did not do this, Sun Yu wouldn’t be able to resist the fallout from the energy explosion and would

artifact which had belonged to the previous Holy Master of Nine Heavens Holy Land. This Silver Leaf had the ability to transform into many shapes and sizes,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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