Martial Peak

Chapter 842

Chapter 842, Phoenix Lake

The Phoenix Nest was located not far from Dragon Valley, and Yang Kai was very curious what it was like, but he soon learned that it was actually just a jungle.

From above, the jungle itself though appeared to be shaped in the form of a great flying phoenix.

The jungle was comprized completely of a single species of ancient trees, all of which had grown to an enormous height after untold centuries of time.

Phoenix Nest was very different from Dragon Valley in that the latter was only approachable by the Dragon Emperor, no one else could even enter. Once an outsider tried to approach, they would be pushed away by an invisible force.

Phoenix Nest, on the other hand, hadn’t shown any kind of abnormal reaction for many years. It was as if it was just another ordinary jungle. There were even many disciples of Dragon Phoenix Palace who would come here to have romantic trysts.

However, after the Dragon Emperor had reappeared, Chen Zhou had listed Phoenix Nest as a restricted area and banned anyone from getting close.

When Sun Yu told Chen Zhou about wanting to visit Phoenix Nest, the latter was more than happy to comply as he thought Sun Yu was making preparations for the return of the Phoenix Empress. As such, Chen Zhou immediately sent a number of masters to escort Sun Yu to Phoenix Nest.

Arriving at the edge of the jungle, Sun Yu made up an excuse to have his Transcendent Realm escorts wait outside before he alone entered Phoenix Nest.

Sun Yu’s status was completely different now, so these Transcendent Realm masters didn’t dare disobey him. All of them had been among the people who witnessed Yan Zhi’s death, so they were well aware of what kind of power the Dragon Emperor possessed and were naturally not worried about Sun Yu’s safety.

Not long after walking into the jungle, a figure flashed and Yang Kai appeared beside Sun Yu.

“This is Phoenix Nest?” Yang Kai glanced around and asked curiously.

“En,” Sun Yu nodded, quickly explaining the details of Phoenix Nest.

Yang Kai listened attentively while not saying anything, simply walking forward in a certain direction.

Yang Kai felt that there was something in this Phoenix Nest that was calling out to him, causing the Golden Dragon tattoo on his back to become more active and give him a strange tingling sensation.

After explaining what he knew, Sun Yu cleverly and silently followed behind Yang Kai.

After walking for quite some time, the two suddenly emerged from the jungle and saw a small lakefront of them.

This lake was filled with clear, sparkling water but it was impossible to see very deep into it, much less find its bottom. The lake seemed to be covered by a strange and mysterious power. Standing on the shore and looking down, Yang Kai couldn’t help raising his brow slightly.

He found that there was a kind of hazy reflection in this lake, one of a majestic phoenix. It seemed real yet illusory all at once.

“This is Phoenix Lake. It is named so because of the inexplicable reflection that appears to be a phoenix; however, many people have dove down and investigated its depths over the years yet none of them found anything special,” Sun Yu explained casually.

Yang Kai nodded lightly.

Yang Kai knew that some mysterious places would only respond when a specific person appeared. Except for that particular person, no one would be able to discover anything, even if they possessed incredible strength.

Standing on the shore of the lake, the Golden Dragon tattoo on Yang Kai’s back began swimming even more quickly, and there was even a feeling like it would rush out at any moment.

a breath, Yang Kai

dragon roar, the Golden Dragon tattoo leapt

current Golden Dragon was quite different from the one which had appeared that day in front of Yan Zhi.

body, it swam a few circles through the air before plunging

instant and then the Golden

Yu was excited as he carefully observed

This was something he naturally took pride in. Now he was about to witness the appearance of the

became unsettled, as if there was some great energy rising up

image in Phoenix Lake began to twist and distort. If one were to stand back and observe from a distance, it would look like this illusory phoenix image was actually flapping its wings as

tiny wisp of light suddenly fluttered over and

thousands of these wisps began flying over, each one containing a

of them quickly looking around, trying to determine

actually flying over from the trees which Phoenix Nest was comprised of. When they had come here though, Yang Kai had not found anything unusual about these trees, so this development was quite shocking even

Nest, innumerable wisps of light were being released, just like a swarm of fireflies. These wisps rushed out of the jungle

at this scene with

various affairs in Dragon Phoenix Palace, also quickly stared in the

Dragon Emperor had reappeared, and now Phoenix Nest had also begun showing remarkable changes. Clearly,

Chen Zhou immediately dropped them and soared off in the direction of Phoenix Nest. In Dragon Phoenix Palace, none of the other masters had any mood to continue

shores of Phoenix Lake, Yang Kai waited quietly while Sun Yu stared fixedly at the glowing wisps as they fell into the lake. It was as if he found himself in some

that the energy in the surrounding region had undergone a

the bottom of the lake, and

long yet short time, all the wandering wisps sank into Phoenix Lake. At that moment, the hazy phoenix reflection

lake seemed to explode and water

splash of water, a Golden Dragon and a blue Ice

roar and piercing phoenix cry resounded through the Heavens, the former resonant, the latter piercing, the two sounds mixing together and spreading out seemingly

he stared up at the magnificent

True Dragon in legend, the Phoenix was another sovereign of

the dazzling scene of a dragon and phoenix was on display. The Golden Dragon swam happily through the sky while the Ice Phoenix quietly floated atop the lake, its pair of bright eyes revealing an intelligent light, seeming

cried out lightly in a

this cry, the Ice Phoenix suddenly trembled and its body transformed into a million wisps

became calm once more and the Golden Dragon flew back and returned

moment and sunk into a state of contemplation

would have to go meet with her first before bringing her here to obtain what

Yang Kai not moving, Sun Yu also waited quietly, not daring

his eyes and said, “Sun Yu, I need

immediately wore a serious look and replied, “Please

Phoenix Palace carefully looks

relieved Senior Yang, Sun Yu will certainly not let any


Yu suddenly grinned and asked, “Does Senior already have someone

gave him a stunned look and asked, “How

were thinking about someone dear to you… If I am not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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