Martial Peak

Chapter 843

Chapter 843, First Thing You Do When You Get Back

Yang Kai flew forward, swift as the wind and quick as lightning.

He crossed famous mountains and rivers with a joyful smile.

He had thought about going directly to Ice Sect to find Su Yan and bring her back to Dragon Phoenix Palace to obtain the Phoenix Empress’ inheritance, but he reconsidered soon after. If Su Yan was still in a state of frozen cultivation, going to see her now would only be a waste of time.

Also, he hadn’t returned to Soaring Heaven Sect for several years now. In fact, it had already been close to five or six years since he parted ways with his Marital Uncles and Martial Aunt back in Floating Clouds City.

Yang Kai felt that he should return to Soaring Heaven Sect, so he could at least inform his Martial Seniors and Ancestral Founder Chu Ling Xiao that he was alright.

Although he had been in Tong Xuan Realm for a number of years now, Yang Kai still didn’t have a place he felt a strong sense of belonging to; to him, even Soaring Heaven Sect was just the Sect the Ancestral Founder of the High Heaven Pavilion created.

His Martial Uncles and Martial Aunt were no doubt very good to him, but Yang Kai still found it difficult to feel a sense of intimacy towards Soaring Heaven Sect as he did with High Heaven Pavilion.

Regarding this world, he was simply a visitor.

The Central Capital and High Heaven Pavilion were his roots.

As such thoughts flashed across his mind, Yang Kai couldn’t help wondering how all of his friends and family back there were doing, many of their faces flashing before his eyes as he continued on his way.

When he left the Central Capital, Yang Kai had told everyone that when the time was right, he would return and bring them over to this new world. Thinking about it now though, his words had been a bit irresponsible; currently, he didn’t even know how to get back to that world.

Although he was now able to tear space, the most Yang Kai was capable of accomplishing was to move a few hundred kilometres in a random direction, and after displaying this method two or three times, his Spiritual Energy would be completely drained.

This method could only be used in the most urgent of situations or when there was some danger he could otherwise not escape from.

After thinking over the issue for some time, Yang Kai’s eyes suddenly lit up, remembering that both Chu Ling Xiao and Shui Ling of Water Spirit Temple had both found their way over to that side. Perhaps if he consulted with them, he too could find a way to return home.

However, before then, Yang Kai still felt he first needed to improve his personal strength, and second, establish a force he could control.

Otherwise, even if he brought his friends and family here, he wouldn’t be able to guarantee their safety.

The Ancient Demon Clan was a good choice!

Nine Heavens Holy Land was also an alright option. As for Dragon Phoenix Palace… Yang Kai wasn’t considering them for now. He would have to meet with Su Yan again before coming to any kind of decision about them.

Most importantly though was finding a site that could accommodate so many people.

when he unfurled his Wind and Thunder Wings and used the Nine Heavens Divine Skill Flickering Heavenly Shadow, his

Kai would stop at some towns in order to ask for directions until half a month later, he finally saw the endless Snow Mountain

He was almost there!

kilometres or so away

finally returned

could see traces

a clear stream flowed, Yang Kai landed lightly next

Serene Resplendent Peaks!

his Fei Yu Martial Aunt and was also the place where Yang Kai

into the cave, Yang Kai descended into the belly of the mountain. After several twists and turns,

Martial Aunt was the same as always, completely addicted to wine; however, with such a thick fragrance in the air, Yang Kai really wondered just how

Yang Kai walked into the living space when suddenly a loud bang rang out nearby and a water curtain wrapped around him. This water

Kai quickly recovered from his drunken

behind the water curtain, a jade hand shot out and

Kai didn’t put up any resistance and simply let the jade hade catch him, waving his hand to cut open the water

voice, the person behind the water curtain

flashed a deep sense of surprise as her drunken face exuded a different kind of

suddenly stiffened and he quickly

Yu Martial Aunt had apparently just been bathing and, alarmed by his unannounced arrival, had only wrapped a thin bathrobe around her rich, enchanting figure. Even now, she was using one hand to hold this

legs were completely exposed to the air while the deep valley between her full peaks glistened

also thought he had briefly seen two delicate cherry coloured petals through the sheer

time to appear! Yang Kai thought

Serene Resplendent Peak. Even Cang Yan and the others would let Fei Yu know ahead of

you, you little brat!” Fei Yu grinned meaningfully, not only not releasing Yang Kai but instead dragging him towards her and putting him in a headlock, saying in

his back along with a pair of slightly more prominent bumps on his shoulder blades, Yang Kai hurriedly tapped Fei Yu’s arm and whimpered,

you afraid your Martial Aunt is going to eat you?” Fei Yu continued to tease,

Aunt must be joking…” Yang Kai pitifully cried out, feeling a sense of numbness spread from the base of his ear while unable to

finally released Yang Kai, directing a piercing stare at him with her pair of beautiful eyes, gritting her teeth as

down on a nearby stone bench and poured himself a glass of water, pretending to drink it calmly as he directed his eyes elsewhere, “Martial Aunt, can you wear proper clothes first before we

right there and wait for me to tidy you up. If you dare move a single step from that spot, I swear I’ll chase you to the

her tender body

of relief, a look of helplessness filling

Aunt really didn’t have the dignity

a brilliant light flashing across her beautiful pupils as she smiled widely and

after not seeing you for several years, it seems you’ve become even more beautiful. A moment ago I didn’t have a chance to look closely but now that I do, it’s clear that you look even younger and

think that by tossing out a few glib comments you’ll be able to appease your Martial Aunt!” Fei Yu

great deal of worry; after all, Yang Kai was from a remote backwater countryside and his strength wasn’t very high. When she last saw him in Floating Clouds

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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