Martial Peak

Chapter 3176

Chapter 3176, Let the Revenge Begin

When Heng Luo Star Field had been without a Master, no one could stop Wu Heng, a thief, from rushing in and looting the place as he pleased. Now that Yang Kai had become the Star Field Master though, how could he continue to allow Wu Heng to run wild in his territory?

Just as he was no match for Wu Heng in Grand Desolation Star Field, the same also applied vice versa.

Communicating with the Star Chart in his Knowledge Sea, Yang Kai faced the vast darkness, took a deep breath, spread his arms wide open, and pushed forward violently while assuming an aggressive stance. In response, the churning darkness rolled backwards like the ebbing tides of the sea. It retreated nearly a thousand kilometres in an instant. Moreover, it continued to shrink backwards. In the places where the darkness had retreated, the originally Starry Sky reappeared again.

Yang Kai had not been joking when he first said ‘Spit out whatever you ate that belongs to me!’ He fully intended to take action to get back what was originally his.

All of a sudden, the withdrawing darkness slowed down, as if some sort of power was blocking its retreat on the other side.

“How dare you resist!?” Yang Kai raised his brow and grinned savagely. How could he not know this was Wu Heng’s doing? Unable to forget the humiliation from the other day, Wu Heng was determined to make things difficult for Yang Kai.

Yang Kai was forcing the darkness that was devouring Heng Luo Star Field to retreat. On the contrary, Wu Heng was deliberately exerting force on the other side to hinder Yang Kai’s actions. Unfortunately, Wu Heng’s actions were meaningless. Even though the speed had slowed down by a lot, the darkness continued to recede under Yang Kai’s continuous efforts.

Three years ago, the darkness here had begun to devour everything. It took Wu Heng three years to engulf a few millions of kilometres of this Star Field. The speed of absorption was not that fast compared to the length of time it had taken to do so. On the other hand, the speed of recovery was much faster.

The darkness receded, shrinking towards a centre point, little by little. The black hole that had covered a vast area within the Star Field gradually disappeared and the Starry Sky was restored to its original state.

The entire process took about a month in total before all the darkness had been driven away, leaving behind only the original Void Corridor in its place. Back then, Li Jiao had been assigned to guard this Void Corridor and prevent both the reinforcement and escape of Grand Desolation Star Field’s cultivators.

Meanwhile, Yang Kai and Wu Heng had been battling each other from across Worlds over the course of the last month. The end result was as expected. It was Yang Kai’s overwhelming victory.

The gears in Yang Kai’s head began to turn as he stared at the entrance of that pitch-black Void Corridor.

Heng Luo Star Field away with him when he left for Star Boundary; thus, the World Barrier between the two Star Fields had weakened. It might have been accidental or it might have been Wu Heng’s plot all along, but the

Luo Star Field’s Master, he was fully capable of closing up the Void Corridor. It wouldn’t take much time or effort for Yang Kai to accomplish this with his current strength. It was

things so cleanly when he had yet to exact his revenge? Hence, he left the Void Corridor there as it was. Not only did he not repair it, he even began putting

Field, I will return the favour and take a bite out of Grand Desolation Star Field to show him what it feels like to be robbed! But, I need to think up a good plan before doing that; otherwise, I’ll simply fail like Wu

but although Yang Kai couldn’t see anything across it, he was certain that Wu Heng was also watching him from the other side. Grinning, he stretched his hand out

appeared in front of the corridor. This pattern was none other than the pattern of the Cross-Territory Space Array. With the Void as its base and the power of the Stars as its materials,

behind it and an identical array appeared at its back. It turned to look behind it when it felt something; then, it got up and

of billions of kilometres and appeared in front of Yang Kai. Looking around, it understood everything even though nothing was said. It quietly walked over to Yang Kai and pressed its hand against his head before sending a vast sea of information into the latter’s

the Embodiment was an extension of Yang Kai’s body. It was just that it had the body of a Stone Spirit with Yang Kai’s Soul Clone

opinions and ideas; however, when it was needed, it could also communicate without using words at all. Yang Kai could understand its

Kai was none other than the

Wu Kuang and was a Secret Art that could swallow and refine everything in the world. Back then, Wu Kuang had used this Secret Art to devour countless Star Fields. Several Great Emperors had died in order to kill him in a great battle; however, Wu Kuang had seized another person’s body and consciousness, coming back to life again after tens

Embodiment cultivated it. The Secret Art contained several critical flaws. Being able to devour and refine everything in existence might sound amazing, but it would only end in disaster if there

materials, resources, and energy. In turn, these impurities were bound to produce some complications. Once these complications accumulated to a certain level,

Kuang naturally had a method of resolving those issues, which was why he was capable of using his Heaven Devouring

to do so. However, his Embodiment did. The Stone Spirit Clan had a unique physique wherein they could eat all kinds of stones and minerals that contained all kinds of Principles and energies. Then, they simply refined those ores and discard any kind of impurity from

no other race in this world that was more suitable for cultivating the Heaven Devouring Battle Law than the Stone Spirit Clan. That was probably something Wu Kuang had never thought of

regarding impurities or mismatched energies during that time. It even managed to devour Shi Huo’s Source. When it came

it before, but now, with Embodiment’s notes and key insights as well as things he learnt from Wu Kuang, Yang Kai quickly realized that this Secret Art was far more profound and mysterious than he had originally imagined. If Wu Kuang had not been evil, he would have been a glorified

a day later, the Embodiment withdrew its hand and glanced at the black hole not too far away,

Yang Kai was completely immersed in comprehending the Heaven Devouring Battle Law. He could not

is incredibly powerful. Wu Meng Chuan must have been pretty stupid to fail to break through to the Emperor Realm despite

a firm mental disposition from all those experiences, so he managed to curb his greed at this

that shone with clarity. He stood up and stretched, loosening his muscles and joints. His entire body rang out with cracking noises. Shaking his hands, he discovered that they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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