Martial Peak

Chapter 3177

Chapter 3177, Responding in Kind

Wu Heng had no intention of obstructing the darkness since the darkness’ speed of engulfment was not as fast as he had imagined. Instead, he sneered at the sight. Although they were both Star Field Masters, the time they had spent as Star Field Masters was too different. It was only natural for differences in their abilities to appear. It had not been long since Yang Kai became a Star Field Master, so there was no way he could unleash the true power of a Star Field right away. That was also why the speed of devouring was so slow.

Wu Heng slowly retreated, bit by bit. He watched the situation coldly without doing anything as he waited for the moment to launch his counterattack.

Yang Kai stood in Heng Luo Star Field with his eyes closed tightly. His current state was rather strange. His Divine Sense pulsed erratically, as though it permeated the entire Star Field and was gnawing on something with a giant mouth.

A piece of the Starry Sky that clearly did not belong to Heng Luo Star Field had appeared next to the Void Corridor. Not only were there meteors of all sizes drifting about, but slightly varying World Principles could also be felt within this region. More importantly, it was having some minor incompatibilities with Heng Luo Star Field.

Although both Grand Desolation Star Field and Heng Luo Star Field were Star Fields with roughly the same World Principles, they still had their differences. It was similar to the differences between the Principles of Cultivation Stars formed in the same Star Field. These differences were not obvious on the surface, but the more powerful the Cultivation Star, the more apparent the differences became.

The Heaven Devouring Battle Law operated with the Heng Luo Star Field as its base. It had a piece of the Starry Sky as its stomach and was digesting the space it had just devoured.

Yang Kai couldn’t help feeling amazed. Despite using the entire Star Field as his foundation to activate the Heaven Devouring Battle Law, everything was still governed by his will. He could clearly perceive all the details of the process as the Star Field slowly digested the space it had devoured.

The World Principles of that piece of Starry Sky that originally belonged to Grand Desolation Star Field quickly collapsed and were gradually assimilated and influenced by the Principles of Heng Luo Star Field. Both sides merged together and slowly became one.

[I can’t believe that there’s no obstruction. Where is Wu Heng?] Logically speaking, the absorption process should not be going so smoothly. Yang Kai was certain that Wu Heng had safeguards in place, but he had yet to notice anything getting in his way. Thus, it was puzzling him greatly.

Strange though it may be, his movements were not the slightest bit hindered. Yang Kai controlled the power of the Star Field, transforming it into a kind of invisible power that engulfed the other Star Field’s Starry Sky. At the same time, he had the Star Field itself operate the Heaven Devouring Battle Law to digest whatever was being devoured immediately after.

Yang Kai did not know how long had passed when a strong force of resistance suddenly came from the opposite side and the space he had devoured was quickly snatched back from his grasp.

That wasn’t all though as an extremely terrifying force also swept through the dense darkness and tried to consume his mind in return.

finally making his move?] Yang Kai had long been waiting for this moment, so he was not flustered. He didn’t even bother to defend against this attack and

of the darkness, Wu Heng was laughing coldly. His eyes were full of mockery. [It’s true that a newborn calf isn’t afraid of tigers. I would have let all those incidents pass without a fuss if this Yang Kai had been willing to leave things be. Instead, he turned around and tried to devour my Star Field!

Accordingly, the more

immediately, he boldly made his move and prepared

Grand Desolation Star Field like an ebbing tide to reveal the Starry Sky that had been devoured previously. It wouldn’t take long for everything to return back to

through the darkness had encountered an invisible barrier. Forget about taking the opportunity to cause harm to his opponent, he couldn’t even proceed any further than that. Moreover,

Heng felt his heart sinking, and an uneasy feeling grew in his heart. Concurrently, the darkness stopped receding, and no matter how hard he tried,

jaw fell open in astonishment and his eyes were filled with disbelief. A black hole sporting a diameter of several hundred kilometres entered his vision. The inside of

Corridor originally this large? It has expanded by more than 100 times at

where the black hole was located no longer belonged to Grand Desolation Star Field. The loss of this region of Starry

world did he do

eyes. He had spent the last three years devouring a large portion of Heng Luo Star Field’s Starry Sky; however, he had simply swallowed it up and not digested it yet. If

meal. Eating a bowl of rice was different from digesting a bowl of rice. Something that had been eaten could be thrown up again, but something that had been digested truly belonged to

work had only been ‘eating’. On the

included this step of ‘digestion’. Unfortunately, that part of his plan had to wait until he had completely engulfed Heng Luo Star Field and refined the Source of Heng Luo Star Field before it

convinced of that

Star Field to the time Wu Heng had moved to stop Yang Kai. In short, Yang Kai had managed to ‘digest’ an area covering several

did not believe that Yang Kai had that

Is it possible that the Heng Luo Star Field is of a higher level compared to

drastically and he immediately connected with

as possible! Otherwise, the more time passes, I won’t just be losing this small amount of territory.

than ever, he deeply regretted not closing the Void Corridor earlier. He had allowed Yang Kai to fight back; whereas if he had not been stubborn and closed the Void Corridor right away, the connection between the two Star Fields would have been cut

it was useless to regret now so he could only make

Sea. It had clearly been pushed to the limits as a pressing force enveloped the black hole from all directions. Even so, the force couldn’t get any further than the edges of the black hole. The moment it came into contact, even the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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