Martial Peak

Chapter 3370

Chapter 3370, Funnel

“This is…” Xiao Yu Yang looked curiously at the Transmission Token in his hand.

When Yang Kai explained the purpose of the token, Xiao Yu Yang immediately put it away like he had received a precious treasure. With this thing, it would be more convenient for him to travel everywhere in the future as he could freely shuttle through any Space Array arranged by Yang Kai.

“When you are free, come to Star Soul Palace and arrange a Space Array, okay?” Xiao Yu Yang looked at him with a smile.

Yang Kai nodded and agreed, “No problem.”

He had originally planned to connect the entire Star Boundary with Space Arrays, so he had no issue arranging one in Star Soul Palace. After Yang Kai’s agreement, the two set off again.

After another three days, they finally arrived at their destination.

As Xiao Yu Yang flew down to the desert, Yang Kai looked in a certain direction in surprise.

About a thousand metres from him, there was a huge pit in the endless desert. The pit spanned over a thousand metres and was several dozen metres deep. The pit was like a huge funnel embedded in this part of the desert, one that was constantly rotating as a large amount of sand kept slipping into it and disappearing.

Yang Kai looked at it in amazement. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would have never believed that there was such a peculiar landscape in this world.

Who knows how this funnel was formed or how long it had existed, but Yang Kai could sense Space Principles fluctuating from its bottom. Whatever was at the base of this funnel seemed to be connected to an unknown location.

[Is this the entrance to the Sealed World that Xiao Yu Yang mentioned?]

Yang Kai carefully inspected and discovered that it was indeed the case. There should be a Void Corridor at the bottom of the funnel, but who knows where it led to. At this moment, this void Corridor seemed to be in a sealed state; however, judging by the traces Yang Kai noticed, this sealing seemed to have been done artificially. Without the correct method, it would be impossible to open this corridor, let alone enter it.

Hastily using brute force may very well destroy the corridor, and once that happened, entering the Sealed World would become orders of magnitude more difficult.

[No wonder Xiao Yu Yang didn’t hesitate to return to the Southern Territory from the Western Territory and asked Gao Xue Ting to lead him to the High Heaven Palace to find me. In this situation, I am indeed the right person to deal with it.]

Perceiving Yang Kai and Xiao Yu Yang’s arrival, figures hidden in the vicinity slowly appeared and gathered around them, one after another.

Yang Kai glanced around and found all of them to be familiar faces.

Xue Zheng Mao, Lei Hong, two Third-Order Emperor Realm Masters, were among them, and counting Xiao Yu Yang, three Third-Order Emperors from Star Soul Palace had been deployed here. Also, there were more than a dozen other Emperor Realm Masters present. Obviously, a great deal of the high-level figures of Star Soul Palace had come.

the situation. After making sure that nothing eventful had happened during

Zheng Mao’s face turned serious as he stated, “Yang Kai, we can only rely on you regarding this. Although it’s not definite, we are almost certain the Great Emperor’s message originated from this place. We suspect that Princess Lan

also be regarded as a Southern Territory cultivator and am friends with Her Royal Highness. If she is in trouble, it is

really rescue Her Royal Highness, this Old Master and the others here will forever be in your debt.

very heavy promise, but it was also proof of how desperate Xue Zheng Mao and the others had become; otherwise, they would never promise something like this

Let me take a look at the situation first.” Having said this, Yang

the space down near the bottom is somewhat

it was even more shocking than what he first thought. With the sand flowing

Sense, Yang Kai probed the area with his Space Principles, silently perceiving the feedback he received for quite some time. After he had made some speculations, he flew up

what do you think?”

his brow, “The entrance has been sealed by someone. All of you have been waiting here for so long, so have

denied, shaking his head, “We found nothing. No one has even

tracepoints to the seal being created by someone, so all of this must have been well planned out, a conspiracy of some kind. If I really open the entrance, I have no idea

do you mean?” Xue Zheng

someone, or it might make things even more difficult for Her Royal Highness. In light of this, do you still want to open

a long silence, Xue Zheng Mao stated in a heavy voice, “We haven’t heard from the Great Emperor, we have no idea whether Her Royal Highness is dead or alive. Now, this place is the only clue we have. Since that’s the case, we can only continue forward by opening it. If they are alive, we have to see them in person, if they’re dead, we

with Elder Xue. Now that they had a clue, exploring was the only option; no one was willing to simply sit back and leave things to fate. What’s more, Yang Kai only warned about the worst possible situation while there was no

father and daughter, the Great Emperor and Lan Xun, right after opening

is too unstable, so if everyone wants to enter, you must make every breath count. In addition, you have to be

smiled, “Though we’ve all lived many years, none of us is willing to


scattering about, giving Yang Kai space to work. Everyone’s nerves were taught, waiting for the entrance to open so

the seal on the entrance, opening the

pieces of stone were dropped onto the calm surface of the lake,

dark tunnel suddenly appeared

Void Corridor!

of them even had a

about the right man for


fashion. All Yang Kai could do was use his Space Principles to reinforce it so that it would

worth of time, the Void Corridor that had been distorting all the

shouted, “Quickly enter,

Right after, figures kept disappearing into the Void Corridor, one

Yang had plunged into the Void Corridor, Yang Kai’s figure also flickered as he prepared to go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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