Martial Peak

Chapter 3371

Chapter 3371, I’m Hungry

Over a dozen Emperor Realm Masters of Star Soul Palace had clearly entered this place before him, but Yang Kai didn’t see a single figure when he came in. It was a bit strange.

However, if the entrance had the function of randomly teleporting, it could explain the current situation. Yang Kai had entered similar Sealed Worlds where although there was only one entrance, the people who entered didn’t appear in the same location.

Judging by the current situation, this Sealed World should be also of this type. So, Yang Kai couldn’t find everyone who had stepped in before him, and perhaps everyone else was in the same situation. They might be all alone and forced to fend for themselves.

But that shouldn’t be a problem. If everyone was dispersed, there was a higher chance of finding Lan Xun if she was really here.

After confirming that there was no danger around, Yang Kai began searching the nearby surroundings. It was a dark and gloomy world where World Energy wasn’t rich. The entire world appeared dead and silent. It was impossible for such a world to give birth to any kind of precious treasure. At first glance, the environment here somewhat resembled that of the Western Territory, with hard rocky ground and some sparse shrubs scattered around. As for living creatures, there were no signs of any at all.

But for some unknown reason, Yang Kai had felt a sense of unease ever since he entered this place, as if there was some kind of danger lurking nearby, unseen and unheard.

After pondering for a while though, Yang Kai turned towards a certain direction and flew off.

This was indeed an independent Sealed World, but although it had its own World Principles, they were imperfect, a bit similar to his original Sealed World Bead. Other than that, this Sealed World seemed to be fairly large. Yang Kai flew forward for almost an entire day but didn’t encounter anything worth paying attention to, let alone Xiao Yu Yang or the others.

It was as if they had all evaporated from the face of this world.

There was no day or night in this Sealed World, and the sky was always dark and bleak. The surroundings too were extremely similar. Being left alone in such a lonely and bleak environment would gradually wear down anyone’s mental strength. After another day, Yang Kai, who was searching around, suddenly raised his brow as he looked ahead.

[Someone’s there!]

Over a dozen kilometres ahead of him, he could sense a life aura, so he immediately focused his gaze in that direction.

This person seemed to have noticed Yang Kai’s gaze though and their figure flickered as they flew off.

Yang Kai had finally met someone alive in this damned place, so how could he just let the other party escape? He immediately gave chase, but very soon, he discovered that this person was unbelievably fast and, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t close the distance between them. What’s more, this person’s Divine Sense was so powerful that Yang Kai couldn’t probe their true appearance or cultivation at all. Yang Kai’s own Divine Sense was blocked by an invisible field when it approached this person.

A feeling of being toyed with rose in Yang Kai’s heart, causing his anger to rise as he made even more of an effort to catch up, only realizing a short time later that the other party seemed to be leading him somewhere.

Speculating so, Yang Kai deliberately slowed down a little, and as expected, the other party also slowed down. When Yang Kai sped up again though, the other party also sped up!

as he threw all caution to the wind and gave it his all

of trap waiting for him, this was the first clue he had found since entering this world, so even if he knew that there was a tiger waiting for him on the mountain, Yang Kai had no choice but

and the other fled, leading to an hour-long chase before

at that moment, he actually lost the opposite party’s aura, like they had simply vanished for no

now sensed several life fluctuations belonging to a small group not far ahead. Among them, Yang Kai found three of

Yang Kai frowned before

a rocky slope where five figures,

at this group, he couldn’t help but be elated

also apparently gone missing and Yang Kai had suspected that it was the handiwork of the same group, he hadn’t really expected

the others, Yang Kai discovered that it was as he had expected. Yao Lin, who was captured on the East Sea, as well as Lan Xun, who went missing in the Southern Territory, were both here. As for the remaining man and woman, Yang Kai didn’t know either of them, but judging from the previous intelligence, he could make an educated guess that this man and woman were either blood kin or Legacy

had a fair complexion, seemingly born with a handsome face. As for the woman, she was wearing a veil over her face,

otherwise, he

question was, why was he led here? Was there some sort of scheme behind this? In such an

again; however, Lin Yun’er remained sitting cross-legged, not reacting at

person who had led him here, nor did he find any traces of traps around Lin Yun’er and the others. Someone seemed to have cast a Divine Ability on the five though, locking them

Dao Source Realm, the remaining four were all Emperors. The veiled woman was

Great Emperor’s Disciple! As expected, an accomplished Disciple owes their accomplishments to their great teacher.] Although he couldn’t see her true appearance, Yang Kai was sure that she

thinking that Yao Lin’s kidnapper was a Pseudo-Great Emperor, Yang Kai couldn’t help but sigh. Although these five were fairly strong in their generation, they were

while, pondering, before he strode towards Lin Yun’er and the others

avoided. Since he had found Lin Yun’er, Lan Xun, and the others, Yang Kai couldn’t stand idly by. In any case, he had to wake them up and ask them what had happened to them

the very least, he had to know who did this to them, why they were kidnapped and

Yang Kai stood right next to the small group of five, but to his surprise,

and then carefully sent a thread of his Emperor Qi and Divine Sense into

she seemed to be in a peculiar kind of mental state. Her Knowledge Sea was wide open and unguarded, and she seemed to have fallen into some kind of profound illusion, making

if someone wanted to do something nefarious to her, they

peculiar seal had been planted on Lin Yun’er or others, but if it was just a type of illusion induced

Divine Dragon Source, Yang Kai sent a wisp of his Divine Sense into Lin Yun’er’s Knowledge Sea,

Dragon Roar!

Clan and had the simple effect

echoed endlessly in Lin Yun’er’s Knowledge Sea, spreading ripples far and wide. As these ripples spread, they cleared all foreign influences from Lin Yun’er’s Knowledge Sea and a moment later, a faint sound of something breaking

as a frown appeared on her forehead before

gained clarity, Yang Kai’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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