Chapter 366

What Sylvia did not expect was to meet Edmund again when she went to the kindergarten to pick up the children in the evening. 

At that moment, the roadside was full of cars picking up the children from kindergarten, so the road was a bit congested. 

Edmund’s car happened to be stuck on the road. He lowered the window and flashed Sylvia a charming look. “Lil Syl.” 

Sylvia pursed her lips. Beside her, Isabel jumped up and called, “Mr. Price!” Edmund immediately smiled at her. “Hey, Isabel. How have you been recently?” “I’ve been great.” Isabel asked him solemnly, “What about you?” Edmund laughed. “I’ve been great too.” 

Then, the car in front of him started to move. He had no time to say anything and waved at them. “I have to go now, Isabel. Bye.” 

something and looked

it and bent down to get into the car.

behind Sylvia’s car, Melanie sat up from the rear car seat. She looked at the photo she had just taken and smirked

passed In the morning, Sylvia got up on time. After

did not know if it was a coincidence, but just like yesterday, she turned around and bumped into Edmund after sending

also happened to drive

lowered the window and smiled. “What a coincidence, Lil Syl. Are we lated?”

car. “I’m just joking.” Edmund laughed and added, “Have you had breakfast? I bought

famous store. Do

replied, “No, thanks. I’ve had

He did not say anything else and drove away.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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