Chapter 367

He really did not expect to meet in the morning and evening two days in a row. Nevertheless, Sylvia did not think much of it. After all, he was working in this neighborhood, so it was normal to run into each other. 

She turned around and was about to take the children to the car. However, Edmund suddenly brought out two delicately wrapped presents and said to Isabel,” Isabel, this is a gift for your brother and you.” Isabel’s eyes lit up, and she ran over to take the gifts. At the same time, she said, “Thank you, Mr. Price.” 

“You’re welcome. Go home with your Mommy now.” “Uh-huh.” Isabel happily returned to Sylvia’s side with the gifts in her arms. Sylvia pursed her lips helplessly and said to Edmund, “Thank you for buying them gifts.” “Don’t mention it. I just bought them on the way over.” Since he met Isabel yesterday, he thought that he might meet her again this evening and prepare a couple of gifts. Unexpectedly, he really ended up meeting her. 

After saying that, he wound up the window and drove away when the congested vehicles in front of him moved up. 

Sylvia carried Isabel and Liam to the car. 

car, Isabel opened the box excitedly. There was a red remote control sports car as

to play with the Rubik’s Cube, and the red remote

Liam took the Megaminx and started to play

know whether to be happy or upset. She knew that Edmund was doing it out of kindness, but she really did not want to have anything

Tara’s room. She excitedly showed the photos to Tara and said, “Tara, look. That little b*tch met that man

photos on the phone. The photos had Umestamps of when they were taken. There were pictures

took of them yesterday were also around the same time frame. Although Edmund did not come down from his car, and Sylvia did not approach

overjoyed smile on her chubby face. Tara let out a smirk when she saw the pictures and hurriedly sent them to her own

together when she got off work. She sent me these photos. I didn’t think it was anything much when she sent them to me yesterday, so I didn’t tell you about it, but she saw them again early in the morning today. Just now, when she returned from

was quickly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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