Chapter 389

 He narrowed his eyes as he looked at her. “Are you being obedient today just because of them?” 

Sylvia could not tell if he was happy or unhappy about this at the moment. After considering his question, she answered, “Not really.” 

Odell continued staring at her with a profound look on his face. 

Sylvia continued, “Can you let me see them?” 

“No.” His answer was resolute. 

Sylvia’s face fell but at the very next moment, she curved her lips into a smile 

“Then can I video-call them or just simply call them?” 

“No.” His tone remained resolute as before. 

Sylvia was disheartened. 

a strong gulp, she asked, “Then can you tell me how they have been doing lately?” If he would not allow her to see them, he could at least tell her how they were doing. Odell pinched her chin and said with a smile, “A mother of such low character like you is not worthy of knowing how her kids are doing.” Almost instinctively, Sylvia swung a slap at his face, but he was faster. Before her hand even touched him, he had caught it and pinned down

released her after he had satisfied

face and said, “Only when you’ve atoned for your sins, then you can think about seeing

then got up, got dressed and went out.

and sat up to throw a

and the pillow simply hit

the door and shouted, “You f*cking

the Carter Residence, it was already late at night

Isabel and Liam’s room watching the two of them as they slept. Liam was fine and healthy but Isabel was


convince her for quite some time to take the medicine. The medicine stabilized her condition temporarily but Aunt Tonya was worried that it might get worse overnight, so

tightly. Liam also hugged her closely. Aunt Tonya felt bad as she observed

sudden fever must be because she had not been able to see Sylvia for almost a week now. The crying and sulking must

no idea what had happened as well. Madam Carter was in a coma and Sylvia had been locked up by Odell in some mysterious place. Odell had even confiscated the kids’ phone, forbidding them from contacting Sylvia. One


fact, but they were helpless against it. The only option they had was to stay quiet and obedient, hence neither of them had continued

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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