Chapter 390

 Isabel broke down into tears. She cried as loud as she could and screamed for her mother. “I want Mommy, I want Mommy…” Liam simply hugged her and stayed by her side until Aunt Tonya came in with the family doctor. 

Isabel immediately stopped crying but her eyes remained teary. 

It was a heart-wrenching scene to look at. 

The doctor took her temperature. “39.7 celsius degrees, she’s having a high fever. We must lower her body temperature right away.” 

The doctor then tried to coax the little girl, “Isabel, be a good girl and take your medicine, okay?” Isabel pouted. “I want my mommy.” 

Liam patted her head and said, “Sis, please take the medicine first. I’ll think of a way to get to mommy.” 

Isabel whispered, “Okay,” and obediently took the medicine. Then, Liam let her go and continued to stay by her side. Aunt Tonya and the doctor stayed back as well. 

once every 30 minutes just to

she was in discomfort and her little

I’m worried that the fever might not go away.” Feeling helpless, Aunt Tonya said, “Their father is not letting them see their mother. Even my phone was

was then that Liam opened his eyes.



want to call my daddy.” “Okay. Hold on.”


systematic voice informed him that it was unreachable.


is having a high fever. The doctor says that if she doesn’t get to see Mommy, her brain will be

felt a little awkward. He did not remember saying that Isabel’s

later, Odell strode into the

room and found Liam

in his arms. Her face remained flushed and her brows were furrowed. It was clear that she was in a lot

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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