Chapter 719

Mia nodded affirmatively. “I understand. Once the bone marrow matching is over, I intend to visit Aunt Patricia.”

Despite her amnesia, Mia recalled that Patricia had rescued her from near abandonment and starvation by Bob and Mary in the past.

Not only did Patricia raise her, but she also supported her through college.

This memory remained deeply ingrained in Mia’s mind.

To avoid revealing her true identity, Dominic and Eva had been the ones to maintain contact with Patricia over the years, sending her regular gifts.

Although Mia had always been concerned about Patricia’s health, in

Patricia’s mind, Mia was no longer alive.

Nevertheless, this time around, Mia planned to catch Patricia off guard with a surprise!


After ending the call, Mia settled beside the hospital bed, softly brushing her fingers across Ginger’s forehead. She then turned to Peyton and

inquired, “How did she manage to faint for real?”

“Dr. Valoz mentioned that after Ms. Ginger indulged in a massive chunk of chocolate, she completely freaked out at the thought of you catching her.

breather, guess what? Ms. Ginger ended

traces of chocolate on her teeth.

always managed

a smile, Mia asked Peyton, “Has Sage’s blood sample


be sent. We just need to

couldn’t resist gazing up at the night sky outside. Regardless of the obstacles, she was determined to

out of her way to purchase Ginger’s favorite breakfast and

pleasantly surprised as she savored her food

did I do

little kindergartener when it comes to performing. Mommy was

way he stares at me is so annoying.” Ginger

“I understand. But don’t worry, we won’t have to interact with them

were incredibly perceptive, and perhaps Ginger sensed something about the relationship between

disliked Asher.

help but feel intrigued

asked Timothy directly last night,

expression, it was evident that this

having breakfast with Ginger, Mia glanced at the clock and realized. that the test results were

at that moment, a commotion

events at the restaurant

that she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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