Chapter 720

Mia proposed, “There’s no need for you to go to such lengths. Just record a video of yourself reprimanding Asher and send it to me. You don’t have to apologize in person. Sometimes, being too polite can come across as a bit fake, you know?”

As Mia’s words trailed off, Luna’s expression froze, clearly caught off guard by Mia’s unexpected rebuttal.

Inwardly, Luna couldn’t help but curse; she had indeed been dishonest


Scolding Asher was completely out of the question for Luna. On the

contrary, she believed Asher had done an excellent job of putting Ginger in her place.

Considering his status as a member of the Barrett family, Luna believed his actions were justified.

Nonetheless, Luna received a scolding from Timothy over the phone. He went as far as suspending her credit cards, urging her to cut back on shopping and devote more time to Asher.

Despite Luna’s reluctance, she knew she had to uphold her facade by taking the initiative to apologize. Whether Mia accepted it or not didn’t concern her; she was merely putting on a show for Timothy.

record a video disciplining

Luna retorted, “Ms. Monalize, perhaps you’re unaware, but Asher is part of the Barrett family. Despite being his mother, I don’t have the authority to

subtle boasting, Mia arched


intrigued. Is Asher truly Timothy’s

all Intelligent people here. Some things don’t need to be explicitly said. When it comes to Asher’s connection to Timothy, I’m

particularly taken aback by

if Asher was indeed Timothy’s biological child.

“Ms. Maynard, you seem very open–minded, being ready to accept such a situation without insisting on a formal title or status,” she

about status; all I want is for Asher to be

with a touch of


child in the picture? So, I’m curious, what do you think could be gained from upsetting Mrs. Barrett so early

that Sharon might make an unexpected appearance at the café that day. She suspected Luna had said something

lips curled into a smirk as she raised an eyebrow. “Ms. Maynard, you’re mistaken. Only those without power, status, or even the affection of a man feel compelled to cater to

expression soured instantly, her jealousy bubbling to the surface. If only her social status were a bit higher, she wouldn’t feel inferior

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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