Chapter 721

Timothy’s demeanor shifted abruptly upon hearing about the test results.

He rose from his chair swiftly, his voice deep as he declared, “I’ll be there immediately.”

After ending the call, Timothy left the meeting room abruptly without offering any explanation, leaving the group of executives puzzled.

Given Timothy’s reputation for his dedicated work ethic, it was unusual for anyone to answer a call during a meeting.

No one had ever witnessed Timothy taking a call and leaving a meeting suddenly. Could this be the end of the world?

Outside, Timothy grabbed his suit jacket and instructed Heath, “Have the

vice president continue to chair the meeting. I expect a resolution by


“Understood, Mr. Barrett. Where are you headed?” Heath inquired.

“To the hospital.”

Heath could likely guess whose call Timothy had just taken.

all, only Monalize had the power to

the call, Mia glanced at Tyler and said, “You

has instructed us accordingly. Sage’s blood sample has been dispatched, and

for your help.”

illness, Mia’s spirits lifted. She hoped everything would

after, Timothy arrived

slightly reddened eyes; it appeared as though she had been crying.

tone and inquired, “Where’s the doctor? I’m


when his first words were about

pressing situation, and

no need to worry. I’ve arranged for the finest medical team to come immediately, and they will certainly treat Ginger,”


drew in a deep breath, fixing her gaze on him.

and donate his bone marrow, she planned to offer

the nurse, Timothy proceeded to the blood collection room.

of sorrow weighed in his eyes. Ginger was undeniably charming, affectionate and full of energy; he

he asked the nurse, “When

will be available the

of the child usually demonstrates

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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