chapter 737

Mia’s heart raced upon hearing that. Timothy embodied everything she found attractive an austere man who effortlessly stirred her emotions

with his reassuring words.

Mia smiled. “Okay. Since you’ve put it that way, there’s no reason for me to decline, is there?”

Her gaze followed his toward the patient’s room,

and her smile waned slightly. “But I’ll go alone. Ginger should rest here at the hospital.”

She didn’t want to involve Ginger in the potential conflict. Mia felt fully capable of handling the Barretts on her own.

“The test results will be available tomorrow night. She’ll be back on her feet soon.”

“I believe so too,” Mia responded, though her feelings were a mix of hope and apprehension.

This drama would soon come to an end. If Timothy turned out to be a match Mia for Ginger’s bone marrow, surgery could be arranged promptly. Then, could finally take Ginger away.

Mia, Mrs. Barrett’s birthday celebration will


“What a coincidence. It appears she has good taste.”

which Dominic had invested, and Mia had personally designed every aspect of it. Just as Mia was planning to visit

do? Should we cancel her reservation?”


not to capitalize on the opportunity. Increase the price

the offer? Tomorrow’s the birthday party,

Have someone reach out to her directly.”

all too well. Wealthy women like her often looked down on the

Castle’s reputation through

any savvy businessman pass up such a lucrative opportunity? Certainly


briefing Peyton on the arrangements, Mia checked her phone. Shelly had posted images of branded products purportedly bought

liked the post, smirking. Tomorrow was

Mia, “Are you coming to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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