Chapter 738

Shelly retorted, “Don’t feed me that courtesy speech, I’m not naïve

to fall for it. Tim and Monalize will marry and have a baby. That’s whe we’ll have the true heir. The illegitimate child will be sent away in the end.

Luna’s expression turned icy.

At that moment, Sharon stormed down the stairs. “Shelly, what nonsense are you spouting? Asher is part of our family, too. Why would we send him, away?”

“We’ll see,” Shelly replied dismissively, heading upstairs without a care.

Luna approached Sharon with coffee. “Please don’t be upset, Mrs. Barrett. That’s just how Shelly is.”

Sharon snorted. “What is she so smug about? Despite cutting ties with

certain family members, she and her mother still live in the Barrett residence. If it weren’t for Tim’s generosity, I would have kicked them out long ago. Shameless!”

where Shelly sided with an outsider, putting Sharon in

It was infuriating.

saying that Tim has invited that woman to the birthday party. So, perhaps you should consider postponing the blind date

to give that woman a taste of her

news, as that was exactly what she was hoping for. She had only mentioned

be for both


you’ll be too shy when

his hair before instructing


Ms. Chapman will be attending the party. Therefore, it wouldn’t be appropriate

existence was widely known, his status within the family was an entirely

not deserve to

prevailed. “Yes, I

I’m here, I will ensure that Asher is treated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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