Chapter 760

Timothy was eager to find out what Mia had been doing all these years, as well as to learn more about her twins.

If Mia had managed to carry the babies back then, they would be approximately the same age as Ginger.

In this scenario, Ginger could very well be his daughter, which would explain the successful compatibility test on their first attempt.

This couldn’t be just a coincidence!

Mia’s alarm bells rang loudly, and she hastily responded, “You may find it hard to believe, but I suffered from amnesia.”

Timothy internally scoffed at the cliché excuse.

“Judging by your expression, you seem skeptical,” Mia continued. “That’s why I hesitated to mention it earlier. I knew you wouldn’t believe me.”

Timothy furrowed his brows in response. “Please, go ahead.‘

“To be honest, this story feels a bit melodramatic. Back then, I was young and naïve, easily swayed by appearances. I was captivated by my ex’s looks and was determined to be with him.

“However, he turned out to be a scumbag who was involved with other women. His family didn’t approve of me, and he even abused me during my pregnancy.

“It reached a point where I narrowly escaped a life–threatening situation. If it weren’t for my family’s timely intervention, I might not have survived the ordeal with that scumbag and his family.

“The experience left me completely heartbroken and on the verge of despair. I ended up with selective amnesia, conveniently wiping out all memories

with that scumbag.

entangled with him again, my family intentionally kept me unaware of his

a bone marrow donation, I wouldn’t

slightly, sensing a subtle implication in

as though she took a strange satisfaction in repeatedly labeling her

speak, Mia leaned in closer to him,

Barrett, I truly appreciate your kindness and willingness to help Ginger by donating your bone marrow. Thanks to you, I

brief silence fell between

a word, Timothy reached out and drew Mia

held a suggestive undertone as he remarked, “In that case, why don’t we consummate our

with a smile, “Mr. Barrett, haven’t I already

around her waist, a silent hint of possessiveness


his voice deep as he said,

that’s a verb.”

how it’s done?”

herself on his lap, her head

against the car’s ceiling as she gazed down at him with a teasing smile on

“In four

a long way,” he mused

what are they doing?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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