Chapter 761

Nonetheless, Mia couldn’t bring herself to stay any longer. Ignoring Timothy’s words, she swiftly opened the car door and dashed away.

Observing her departure, Timothy eventually averted his gaze, leaning back against the seat with his legs spread apart.

He loosened his tie, feeling the cool air embrace him.

Unable to resist, he reached for a cigarette, taking a deep drag in an attempt to calm the turmoil within him.

His eyes wandered to their former marital home nearby, brimming with deep contemplation.

As Mia left in her car, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, as she recalled the incident with the little boy, she couldn’t shake off the deep embarrassment she felt.

Her initial intention had been to playfully tease Timothy, diverting his attention

to avoid raising any suspicion on his part, especially at such a critical moment when she wanted to avoid any unexpected complications.

However, she hadn’t foreseen ending up in a situation so awkward and

potentially damaging to her reputation.

Seated in the passenger seat, Peyton spoke up, “Ms. Mia, does Mr. Barrett really have no inkling about your identity?”

solid evidence yet. By the way, when I visited Aunt Patricia, was anyone

wasn’t anyone.”

reassuring. It’s peculiar though. Timothy clearly suspects my identity, yet he hasn’t assigned anyone to monitor my activities. I’m

his true intentions.”

Mia pondered the sight of the marital villa, a sense of déjà vu

Luna’s falling down the stairs at Aide Castle last

an intuition that her memories would soon

night, Mia returned to the hospital to

startled, her gaze locked onto

of them entangled in the sheets without

dream was

she would begin experiencing

it have to be Timothy, of all people? It all

her face, and quietly left the hospital room

Mia stepped outside for some fresh air, she saw Timothy emerging from the elevator in a suit, accompanied by a medical

her, Mia’s eyes instinctively dropped to his shirt, unable to resist admiring his

greeted him, “You’re here at the hospital already? Have you

cleared my schedule for the week, so I arrived early to get everything sorted. I’ll be checking in

a faint smile. “Sure, once you’re settled in at the hospital, Ginger and I can swing

an eyebrow. “Join

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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