Chapter 778

Mia paused, collecting her thoughts before replying, “Well, the truth is, Ginger doesn’t have a father. And there are always gossiping individuals around.

“But Ginger is not deprived of love, and she doesn’t let these things affect her. She couldn’t care less whether she has a dad or not.”

Timothy was deeply stung by Mia’s words. Having experienced the loss of his own father many years ago, he could empathize with the potential for hurtful situations surrounding Ginger.

With a hint of guilt, he replied, “No one will dare to speak ill of Ginger in the future.”

Mia couldn’t help but smirk. “Even your mother?”

Timothy frowned in response. “Once she wakes up, I’ll arrange for someone to escort her out of this hospital.”

Upon hearing Timothy’s reassuring words, Mia felt relieved. As long as Sharon didn’t cause any trouble during the bone marrow donation tomorrow, everything would proceed smoothly.

After a moment of silence, Mia suggested, “Perhaps you should go and get some rest. I won’t keep you any longer.”

“Are you really going to leave so abruptly?” Tim asked suddenly.

Mia turned back with a smile. “Um, is there something else?”

“Could you do me a favor?” Timothy asked as he lay on the bed, the needle still lingering in

the back of his hand.

Seeing Timothy struggle to sit up, Mia hurried over to assist him. “What do




lips. “I need to use the

as she helped Timothy, taking his arm over her shoulder. His weight pressed

was much heavier than she expected!

to the restroom, feeling exhausted quickly.” Can you manage on your own from here, or should I fetch Heath


the restroom by myself,” Timothy quickly

found it unexpectedly endearing to witness this side

his gaze and asked softly, “Are you laughing

no, not at all!”

but in the next moment, Timothy

the case, maybe you could

request. What

his pants out of the corner of her eye. Reacting quickly, she exclaimed, “What are

he nonchalantly remarked, “Just going

you asking me to stay here while you go to the restroom? You’re being weird!”

need someone to support

let me go find someone to

too late for

shoulder prevented her from moving away, leaving her with no choice but to

going to donate his bone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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