Chapter 779

Panic flashed across Mia’s face as her eyes darted toward the door, only to find Caleb standing there with a nosy expression. “Sorry for barging in,” he spoke up.

Mia figured that Caleb must have misunderstood the situation.

Timothy’s demeanor turned cold. “Get lost!”

“Fine then!”

Caleb swiftly closed the door behind him and explained himself outside the restroom,” Please don’t get the wrong idea, guys. I don’t have any weird fetishes!

“I heard a noise from the restroom and thought Tim might have fallen, so I pushed the door to check. Oh, wait, I just remembered that I left my clothes drying outside at home. I’ll head back now.”

With that, Caleb left quickly. He certainly didn’t want to be the target of Timothy’s piercing


The restroom remained uncomfortably silent, as a blend of awkwardness and

embarrassment hung in the air.

Mia couldn’t bear it any longer. She pushed past Timothy and hurried out of the restroom, feeling deeply embarrassed by what had just happened.

Not long after, the sound of running water could be heard coming from the restroom.

A few moments later, Timothy emerged, leaning against the door, his movements slow and


him closely, wondering why he

she could finish her thought, Timothy’s body swayed for a moment before

“Be careful!”

quickly, attempting to help him up, but she underestimated

unable to hold him, and they both tumbled to the ground together.

force of the impact sank in, Mia braced herself for the expected jolt, realizing


no carpet to soften their

noticed the sensation wasn’t as painful as anticipated. Instead, the floor felt strangely

ears, she opened her eyes to find him

had one hand shielding her head

floor, Mia found herself landing on Timothy as he willingly acted as her human

up and asked,

responded, “How do you think it feels to be

stood up, her words tinged with guilt. “I was rushing to grab onto you earlier, but I didn’t realize you were

would have been better to fall

stirred a sense of

go ask for help. “I’ll

“Don’t bother!”

this state; why

gaze penetrating. “Help me up,” he insisted.

if something like earlier happens again? I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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