Chapter 796

Mia’s phone suddenly rang. With her heart in her throat, she looked at the caller’s ID. It was Nicholas calling.

Worried that something happened to Sage, she turned sideways and answered the call. ” Hello?”

“How’s it going?”

“We have new leads. I’ll settle it as soon as possible.”

“He knows it already,” Nicholas blurted out.

She bit her lip, her heart wretched upon hearing that. “Calm the kid down. I’ll bring the bone marrow back, don’t worry.” She hung up the call and felt Timothy’s gaze on her.

In the end, he couldn’t help but voice out his curiosity, “Someone’s looking for you?”

the conversation clearly, but he could discern that it was

fiancé, Nicholas. His team is in charge of the treatment.”

he was a gynecologist, no?” Timothy distinctly remembered that the Lanes had chosen a gynecologist fiancé for

I said,

this? It’d be better if you bring the

the godfather. He will do everything in

Nicholas made Timothy frown. They sounded close.

and an awkwardness hung in the air.

met the doctor in charge first to ask

bone marrow once in their whole life. It’s difficult to be a match again for the second time. Even if the same people have

healthy. I can donate my bone marrow again

from you right now. There’s nothing we can

doctor said.

have to find the bone marrow donated yesterday,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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