Mia's eyes were welling up with tears.

Timothy couldn't understand her. "I just don't get it. You knew the bone marrow was missing this morning, but why did you proceed with Ginger's surgery so soon?"

Only then did Mia calm down. A slip of the tongue would give the game away. She had to stay calm. Now that Sage was in the vacuum chamber, Timothy's bone marrow from yesterday was the only way to save Sage.

Determination recentered the focus in her eyes. She had to find that bone marrow!

She explained, "The doctor made a mistake. They didn't check the container when they received it." Timothy disapproved, “Fools. You shouldn't have sent Ginger back to Nord City."

Mia quipped, "If it wasn't for your mother, none of this would have happened! It's all because of your mother!”

Heath came up to them. "Our men headed to the place Mrs. Barrett went, but they couldn't find her. According to them, she didn't go there at all.”

In other words, Sharon lied.

for her! If she didn't go on

bone marrow you donated yesterday is the only thing that can save my child's life. If she can't give it back or if she destroyed it, she's a murderer. And I will never forgive her. I don't break promises. I will make sure she pays for

her eyes

now Ms. Lane. She had everything, almost as much as the Barrett family had. On top of that, she had brothers

it was

responded calmly, “Like you, I'd also like to find the bone marrow so that Ginger can be well again. Do you think I would hurt

would you choose between your child and

it transpire to that

word." Mia turned and left the

She had to send some men

concerned. "Where are

You better pray for your men to be faster than mine.

into the car and slammed the door

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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