"I know what happened to the bone marrow. I've sent out all the men we have. We should receive news soon," Dominic reassured Mia.

"Dominic, ask someone to keep an eye on Luna. I think she's involved in this."

Luna was always plotting against Mia. On top of that, she was the one who told Sharon that Timothy would donate his bone marrow.

Mia reckoned that Luna did something else too.

Not long after, Mia received a message from the bodyguard who was in charge of monitoring Luna. "Luna didn't go home after work. She went to a villa."

He stayed on watch for a while, but he couldn't find out who else was there.

Mia made up her mind. "Send some men over. Keep watching her. I'll make my way there.”

Her hunch was telling her that Sharon was definitely there. She'd rather make a mistake than miss her chance to discover the truth.

headed to the

asked, "Ms. Mia, should we

smirked. "Don’t inform him

trust him. After all, Sharon was his

an hour later, Mia's car

charge of the surveillance came over to report, “Luna hasn't come out yet.” Without a moment of

as she had expected, Luna and Sharon were having

certain that they

you're enjoying the time of

saliva, feeling guilty. "H-How did you find

was a safe hiding spot! How did

She had acted as carefully as

they would be looking for Sharon, not herself. Yet, it turned out they

plan was to throw Mia and Timothy off

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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