Timothy was really intending to eliminate her Aide Castle! He was really as ruthless as rumors had painted him out to be, being an absolute menace toward his enemies.

Mia had actually thought of taking over the market in Bern City without needing to work together with Timothy. Little did she expect him to target the same market so quickly, prompting him to approach her for a cooperation deal.

She was intrigued to find out why he intended to work with her. After all, she had to be extremely cautious nowadays to avoid being taken advantage of by others. Timothy didn't let her down, indeed.

He replied calmly, "That is how it's supposed to be in the business industry. You die, or I perish. There's no in between. If I can't work with the owner of Aide Castle to secure this project, he'll be my foe instead.”

He dropped his gaze and stared at her. "You know how ruthless I am with my competitors—they don't stand a chance to get the upper hand."

Meeting his eyes, Mia saw the ruthless determination flaring in his eyes. She had been in the business for some time now, and she certainly understood why he would resort to this method. She plastered a smile on her face. "You make a good point, Mr. Barrett. Well, I certainly can help you reach out to the owner of Aide Castle, but only under one condition—I want a 1% commission of the total project revenue.”

that a bit too much for this favor?" Involving the entire Bern City, the project's revenue would go up

owner of Aide Castle, but I can help you. I can even ensure that the deal works out for both parties. So, I think I'm worth that much. If

she figured he'd probably


demand of a 1% commission. She wanted to get back at him for trying to get

collaboration, she had to negotiate to her advantage regarding

she was, Timothy

to your terms under one condition,” he

"What is it?"

my girlfriend, and we're not going

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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