Timothy remained composed as he typed his response: "That's right."

"I've just come from the hospital after seeing Luna. She has a noticeable gash on her face, and if not treated promptly, it's likely to result in a permanent scar.”

Maintaining his composure, Timothy replied: "I see.”

"Did Mia seriously do this? She's left Luna disfigured and is even pushing for her imprisonment. It's been four years, but she appears to be an entirely different person now."

Caleb's understanding of the situation shifted dramatically as soon as Sharon confirmed that Monalize was indeed Mia Bowen.

What had previously been mere speculation now stood as an undeniable truth.

Timothy glanced at the sleeping Mia before him and calmly typed his response: "Luna should face the consequences of her actions. This was all orchestrated by me. I offered Luna a chance, but she didn't appreciate it."

I never expected Luna to do something like this. She seems different from the person I once knew," Caleb

crucial element in

with a child's life-saving treatment was

he simply asked Caleb to keep an eye on Sharon, wanting

his seat, he noticed that

In truth, he had spent all these years searching for her, and he couldn't quite fathom why—he just couldn't bring himself to let her go. Perhaps,

only required a sudden spark to engulf everything. That individual became one's entire world,

Caleb had questioned Timothy about what

qualities, she was incomparable in his eyes—the woman who had

to tuck Mia in, his expression revealing a tenderness he hadn't recognized before. He

Mia beside him, Timothy's resolve solidified. This time, regardless of the challenges, he was determined not

heart, Timothy yearned

awakening, Mia realized that the plane was already descending as she felt the sensation of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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