Upon hearing Timothy's confident tone, Mia was overcome with guilt. After all, she had been sleeping alone all these years, and no one had ever mentioned her poor sleeping posture.

But admitting that she had willingly cuddled up to him felt too embarrassing.

Mia retorted, "That was then, this is now. My current sleeping habits are fine. You must have leaned on me on purpose while I was asleep.”

If she didn't adhere to moral standards, nobody could use morality against her.

As they argued, a flight attendant intervened, "Ms. Lane, Mr. Barrett, the plane is about to begin its descent. Please adjust your seats and fasten your seat belts.”

Upon the flight attendant's arrival, Mia finally stopped talking and silently adjusted her seat, fastening her seatbelt.

her and opened it to ensure the

the window. Upon spotting the people waiting for her arrival, she felt her body

aback by how

came down with her, it could escalate into a

the control of the Barrett family. Adding to the tension, Mia's brothers harbored a long-standing grudge against the Barretts. Timothy calmly sorted through the documents on the table. "Will there be an issue if I

For your own safety, it's better

notice a car parked on the tarmac, accompanied

a narrowed gaze, Timothy expressed his concern, "But now you're my girlfriend, and


hesitated before responding, "Mr. Barrett, when I mentioned being your girlfriend, it was

deepened. "What do you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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