Observing the injury on Claude's face, Mia was overcome by a sense of unease.

It seemed evident that Claude and Timothy had engaged in a scuffle. Mia couldn't shake off her concern for Timothy's well-being at that moment.

Noticing Claude's injury, Eva asked, “Claude, how did you get hurt? Did you get into a fight with someone?"

Mia's heart raced with anticipation as she waited for Claude's response. She, too, was curious about what had transpired during the altercation. Claude seemed a bit uneasy, taking a moment before replying, "Oh, it's nothing. I just accidentally bumped into something.”

Mia's expression shifted to one of surprise upon hearing Claude's response.

She was surprised he didn't mention Timothy. Was it because he knew Dominic was present?

With Connor now in the medical facility supervising Sage's treatment, only Mia and Claude were aware that Timothy had arrived in Nord City with her.

However, it seemed improbable that this was the reason for Claude's silence about Timothy.

suddenly crossed her mind. Was Timothy already dead, silenced

in Mia's eyes, Claude suddenly felt a bit disheartened. It appeared that Timothy was truly at

and remarked, "Mia, I heard someone from the Barrett family was responsible for

to Dominic. Dominic's expression immediately turned

nodding in affirmation. "I feel

back to Bern City and stay away

nodded and replied,

her sole purpose in going to Bern City this time was to

out a yawn, rolled over, and quietly covered her Apple watch. Sage's treatment continued

and addressed them, saying, "The surgery went well, but Sage needs a few more days of observation. There's no need for you to go in and see him at the moment. It's

Lanes breathed a collective sigh of relief. With tears welling up in her eyes, Mia expressed, "As long as the treatment is successful, that's what truly matters. Thank you, Nick." “Don't thank me. You should be grateful to yourself for swiftly

treatment went well, let's all head back and get some rest. We can visit Sage in a couple of days once we're allowed

returned to

with joy. However, after finishing her evening routine, she found herself too energized to sleep. Perhaps it was because she had dozed off excessively during

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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