Peyton replied: "I don't think so."

Upon hearing that Timothy's injuries weren't life-threatening, Mia let out a sigh of relief. As long as he didn't lose his life, it wasn't too serious of a matter.

Reflecting on Timothy's altercation, Mia couldn't suppress the hint of amusement creeping up to her. She had advised him against leaving the plane with her, but he ignored her warning. Now, he was facing the consequences.

The next morning, Mia headed straight to the hospital after breakfast. She couldn't possibly miss such a golden opportunity to add insult to injury, could she?

Upon entering the hospital ward, Mia spotted Timothy lying in the bed, dressed in patient attire and sporting bandages on his head and hands. Mia cleared her throat and approached Timothy, trying to suppress her laughter. "Mr. Barrett, how are you feeling now? Have you learned your lesson?"

Timothy instinctively looked up at the sound of her voice, his expression turning somewhat awkward.

This was undoubtedly a new low for him.

Seeing Timothy with bandages around his head, Mia struggled to contain her laughter.

expression darkened. "Why

laugh, but sometimes the situation

warning yesterday? I told you not to disembark with me, but you didn't listen. Now,

complexion paled as he gritted his teeth. "I was careless.” "Calling it careless is an understatement. We're in Nord City, not Bern City. You need to come to terms with this

had only acted

of bodyguards with me at the time. But once I'm out of this hospital bed and back on my feet, I won't

you maintain a low profile and leave Nord City promptly,"

marrow sample arrived yesterday.

treatment has already commenced.


unaware that Ginger wasn't the

spoke firmly, "I came here simply to assure you that Ginger's treatment will be successful. It's

Nord City easily. I've made it clear that I

Claude and Connor who came to pick me up yesterday. If it had been Dominic instead, Timothy, do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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