Caleb's silent thoughts echoed, "Tim, as your buddy, I can only assist you to this extent. If you don't step up now, when will you?"

Nonetheless, Timothy was no fool.

With a cold, penetrating glare, he shifted his focus to Connie and Lewis. "If you apologize to Mia immediately and clarify the false rumors regarding the alleged engagement, then I might contemplate sparing the Bowen family.” Despite this, Connie remained hesitant. "Mr. Barrett, what is it about Mia that has captured your interest?"

Connie had always viewed Mia with contempt, given her status as a divorced woman with a child. Despite Mia's position as the heiress of the Lane family, Connie believed she deserved significantly less respect.

However, to Connie's surprise, the CEO of the prestigious Barrett Group in Bern City was deeply infatuated with Mia, even willing to act as her humble bodyguard.

Timothy locked eyes with Connie as he stated, "I have chosen to be with her."

Timothy's words stoked Connie's simmering frustration.

Barrett, perhaps you're unaware, but Mia has

your status and position, you could have any woman you desire. So, why pursue Mia? After all, there are plenty of heiresses in Nord City with backgrounds

in his gaze, Timothy retorted, "Because none of them

the exchange, Caleb joined in playfully, "Ah, so this is what love

reporters caught on, echoing the sentiment, "Get

to the spot, utterly taken aback by the unfolding

had been watching the spectacle unfold from the sidelines, never anticipating

flickered with uncertainty. She calmly addressed the reporters amidst the commotion, saying, "I apologize, but I'm not the type of woman just anyone can easily

quite the nerve, don't you? Mr. Barrett is the CEO of the foremost dynasty in Bern City, and yet you still dare

ungrateful. It's a privilege that Mr. Barrett has

retorted, “I have

profound wounds she endured during her time with the Barrett family four years ago, Mia was determined

hearing Mia's words, Timothy's gaze bore into her, his eyes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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