As Timothy's words faded, silence settled over the room, dominating the atmosphere.

The reporters exchanged puzzled glances, their eyes hinting at the brewing gossip. Did Timothy just claim Mia as his wife?

Unable to resist, a reporter posed the question, "Mr. Barrett, is it true that Ms. Lane is your wife?"

"Mr. Barrett, did you have a previous romantic involvement with Ms. Lane?"

Upon hearing the journalists’ inquiries, Mia shot Timothy a frantic glance. Was he out of his mind? Why did he disclose such information to the media?

Mia urgently signaled to Timothy with her eyes, pleading for him to stop.

The last thing she wanted was to become the center of gossip!

However, Timothy simply nodded at the reporters. "That's correct.”

Mia swiftly interjected, “Timothy, what on earth are you telling the reporters? There's absolutely nothing between us."

met her gaze squarely. “If there truly was nothing

stop," Mia

up with excitement at Timothy's revelation. This was undoubtedly a major mystery within

due to the mysterious identity of the child's father. Now, with

boldly approached and inquired, "Mr. Barrett, is Ms.

affirmed with a nod, "Yes, we

a ripple of excitement through the gathered


revelation were to be exposed,

shake off her unease upon hearing Timothy's words. His decision to divulge such private

privacy, Mia couldn't help but wonder

up now would only complicate things for me." As Timothy turned to face Mia,

remained composed as he replied, "But in my

of surprise among

event was filled with unexpected twists

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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