In truth, Jasmine wasn't even that interested in bags. Luxurious bags like these were within her reach since she was young.

However, she didn't feel like letting the bag go to Luna. That bitch came back to take her father away from her, and she even had the audacity to wrest their family's property away. She simply wouldn't allow it.

Luna smirked and produced a card. "Sorry, but I have a VIP membership card. I have the priority to purchase anything in the store first. As for you, I heard that Mr. Shelbert didn't give his children too many privileges to set a good impression on the public and to teach you some morals. That means you don't have a VIP card, right?"

Luna had won this time.

Jasmine's face flushed with anger. Indeed, she didn't have a VIP membership card. Still, she could've just used her mother's card if she wanted to buy anything.

However, she hadn't expected Raymond to get a VIP membership card for Luna. She felt humiliated.

Looking at Luke, Luna stated, "I should be prioritized since I'm the VIP. Wrap this up for me."

"Yeah, Luna's a distinguished VIP. I'm sure you

anger. "What's so proud about owning a

don't have one, stop acting pretentious. I'm sorry, Jazzy, but

that! I'm not related to you by any means, and neither are you related

she said, "We saw this bag first. According to the rules, we should be

me earlier? Luna is a distinguished VIP-she's different

VIP membership card nonchalantly. "Well, it appears that

"Why are you

knew Mia was

in Bern City remained vivid in her

a VIP membership card meant she could completely rid herself of her poverty and transform

equally stunned. She didn't expect Mia to own a VIP membership card as well. What

glance at


"Sorry, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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